40-Big Baby

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3rd person pov

Harry had the flu the poor baby didn't even go into work he didn't even wanna think about business he was just so hot and sweaty aching with every breath his nose completely clogged making him a temporary mouth breather

He had told Alexis and decided he'd just relax for a day or 2 he rarely got sick so when he did he kinda over reacted

Alexis felt so much pity for him as he was coughing and groaning over the phone to her

Alexis was gunna surprise him she had a big homemade pot of chicken noodle soup and a rather slutty nurses outfit she thought she might as well have some fun with this

She knocked on his front door pulling her jacket tighter over the skimpy outfit

After a minute or so the door cracked open with a cough "Alexis?" He opened the door wider "why are you here?" He furrowed his eyebrows

"I've come to take care of you" I cooed "I brought you soup and medicine"

"Oh..." he put a hand on his stomach "I-I dunno if I can hold down soup"

"We can try" she stepped in closing the door with her foot "go lay down I'll bring you some soup"

"Alexis I don't want to get you sick and you're taking advantage of the rules"

Alexis just rolled her eyes "I've got a high immune system now do as I say and go lay down" she pointed down the hall

He went to say something else but coughed he didn't have the energy to argue he went back to his bed

She made him a bowl and grabbed him a water bottle she carried it to him her heels clicking on his floors she opened his door and saw the disarray of tissues and water bottles around his bed "poor thing" Alexis hummed and walked over setting his soup on his nightstand she opened her jacket taking it off

"HOLY-" he coughed and stared at her wide eyed

She smiled the tiny white plastic dress hugged her sides the skirt didn't even make it over her butt the bra cups had a red cross and were clear other than the red patch covering her n*pples with puffy white bubble sleeves the underwear matched a red cross on a white background "you like my dress?" She bit her lip

He groaned and closed his eyes "fuck me this is not what I need right now" he blew his nose then looked at her "put the jacket back on please"

She gasped "why?!"

"I don't need a hard on I'm sick" he whined

"I just wanted to be in uniform" she shrugged

"As soon as I'm better I'm busting your a*s" he grumbled

"I'd love to see you try" she sat on the edge of his bed and spooned up some of the broth "open wide"

He opened his mouth and she fed him a bite "mm" he moaned

She smiled "I'll take that as a compliment" she fed him another bite "good boy"

He hated being patronized "I can feed myself" he grabbed the spoon and scooped some soup as he brought it to his mouth he sneezed and it spilled over his chest

"Oh look at this mess" she snatched the spoon from his hand "looks like you can't feed yourself" she grabbed one of the tissues and patted his chest clean then fed him another bite

"You're a snide bitch" Harry growled

Alexis just giggled "I'm taking care of you I'm so sweet you're little fever consumed mind must be confused"

"You're gunna get it Alexis"

She leaned closer to him "you're a pouty little boy aren't you? Just because you're not feeling good doesn't mean you can be nasty"

"I will not be treated like a little boy!" He coughed because he used such a guttural tone

"And what are you gunna do about it?" She smiled widely "mm? I'm waiting tell me" she shrugged "nothing? I thought so" she pushed her luck but she was having sooo much fun poking at Harry's buttons

He grabbed the spoon from her and threw it she gasped "naughty boy! I can't believe you, you're lucky you're a sick boy or you'd go in time out" she snickered to herself getting up and bent over at the waist making sure Harry saw everything as she got the spoon

She stepped out the room throwing that spoon in the sink grabbing another she strolled back humming to herself she opened Harry's door again and walked over the bowl was empty he had drank it all

"Oh you were hungry" she hummed and reached in her jacket pocket grabbing her thermometer and the medicines  "open" he groaned and let her take his temperature

It binging she pulled it out "oooh only 102" she giggled "you're a bit of a drama queen aren't you?"

"Alexis I'm not playing with you"

"No you're not you're sick silly boy" she knew he was gunna explode if she kept it up but she literally couldn't stop she was enjoying herself too much

"Anyway here darling I brought you some medicine" she shook them "one for your congestion and one for your fever" she poured the red thick liquid on the spoon "here" she put it to his lips he took it and winced he opened the water she brought and drank a 4th of it "last one" this was a grape liquid he put a hand up

"Wait wait do I really- do I really need that?" he gagged at the smell

"You're such a baby" she shoved it in his mouth he swallowed and gagged making some come back up he quickly downed some water

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?" She teased

He rolled his jaw "just wait for your punishment"

"I'm anticipating it" she stood up again and grabbed his tv remote "now what should we watch? I'm thinking something girl on girl"

"I SWEAR TO GOD" he sat up

Alexis held up her hands "okay okay you're right you are a just a little boy maybe something with trucks" she clicked through channels "oh here you like Paw patrol honey?"

He just laid back in defeat "no I don't" he grumbled

"Ohh look they are playing princess and the frog!" She selected that and sat at the end of his bed watching she really did like this movie Harry sighed she was blocking his view

He figured it was best he go to sleep before he throws up again and before she could mess with him any more

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