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Alexis's pov

"I am so sorry about what happened Alexis know we are all here for you darling" Mindy rubbed my arm

I've been sad I mean so sad I didn't even wanna leave the house I just migrate from my bed to my sofa sometimes watching tv sometimes just laying there staring till I fall asleep but almost always crying and the mothers I regularly babysit for have noticed so they all forced me out today to the park

We here we are all crowded on one bench watching the kids play

"Does he really not like kids? I thought you said he has a daughter?" Jennifer asked pushing her stroller back and forth to rock her baby to sleep

I sniffled and wiped my nose with my tissue "h-he does b-but when I told him I was pregnant he lost his mind" I fanned my face trying not to cry

They all awwwed "maybe he's in shock" Miranda offered

"I don't care if he is or not no reason to act such an ass" Jennifer hissed

I shook my head "he really was upset like... like I had killed his puppy but-but I didn't do anything" I started to cry "I was taking my pills it's not like I did this it's not my fault!"

Mindy hugged me "no honey no it's not your fault" Miranda gave me a new tissue I had balled up my used one in my fist I wiped my face again

"He hasn't answered you at all?" Jennifer asked

"N-No he has me blocked I think he thinks I'm lying about it" I know his past I know he told me girls would say this to him all the time but I really am pregnant I have proof I've been to the doctor

"LYING why would you ever lie about a thing like that?" Mindy frowned

"Well ,don't tell anyone I said this but, his ex is bat shit crazy I think she fucked his head up"

"Well he's a grown fucking man he has his own mind and shes got nothin to do with it so he better man up" I loved that Jennifer spoke out for the pissed side of me

Miranda waved a hand "a woman can do permanent damage on a psyche" she looked at me "do you want him back? Even after this?"

"I do if not a relationship I at least want him as father to my baby, guys he's a great daddy genuinely I melt at how he is with his daughter and I just wish he'd talk to me"

Mindy held her phone to me "you can call him from my phone"

"Oh mine too" Jennifer added "if he hangs up"

I shook my head "I want him to realize I didn't do anything wrong Im not going to bug his daughter or his father I'll bug him but only with calls I hope you understand" I looked between the 3

"You're such a strong woman I'd be knocking down his door shoving my papers down his throat" Jennifer rolled her eyes I laughed a little

"Trust me I want to"

"Positive side!" Mindy chirped "don't you still have that other guy that hangs around you?"

I shook my head tucking my bangs behind my ear "oh no... he-he" I sighed "not good terms" I ended bluntly

"Oh poo well um" she looked up thinking "we can get you a man if you want, can't we ladies?" She smiled widely leaning over me to look at them

"Not a problem!" Miranda clapped

I shook my head "not with a baby on the way"

Miranda frowned "welllllll we could... throw you a Baby shower?"

Jennifer gasped "OOOOO MY GOD YESSS!" She squeaked "I've allllllways wanted to throw a baby shower!"

"Oh" I blushed "you guys don't have to do that" I mumbled

Mindy shoved me a little "of course we do! You watch our babies alllll the time I trust you like my own mother you deserve it!"

"Well I don't even know the gender I'm only 2 months" I shrugged

"Okay well we'll wait to know the gender then PLAN A BABY SHOWER!!!" Miranda sang happily

I shook my head "well I don't have a lot of family or really even that many friends"

"Well you have us that's 3 who else do you know?"

I bit my lip "uh Marcel... he works with Harry"

Mindy hesitantly put up a finger "okay someone not related to Harry hun"

I wanted to say Asher "um Haze I used to work with her we still talk my friend Kayla just moved back here she's in the military... Roslyn she moved in with me for a few months last place I lived we still talk"

"Okay that's 7 now family?"

I huffed "um my father's parents but I haven't seen them in years I have an aunt but she doesn't even know my name..." I frowned "that's really it"

Jennifer shrugged "look you don't need to be besties with this people Girl it's about your Baby, your Baby need gifts"

I laughed "um I have people I went to EMT school with and... I have friends I made volunteering"

"Great add those now what do we got?"

I crunched numbers "like 13"

"13 is good" Mindy nodded "right girls?"

"Yeah hey I'll even bring my sister you've met her before look at that 14" Miranda smiled

I smiled "thanks you guys you really helped"

"Well we can't stand to see a sweet girl like you sad you've got so much going for you to spend so much time crying" Mindy frowned

"Really look my husband use to bring this guy around he was so so sweet if you want someone to take you out and show you a good time and not creep on you he's the one I'll text you his number" Jennifer pulled out her phone pulling up the info as soon as she finished

"Thanks" I stood up "I think I wanna head home I actually haven't eaten yet today so-"

"GO EAT" Miranda gasped "don't explain to us go feed that Baby right now!"

"Yes take care of yourself go go" Jennifer waved Mindy gave me a small hug before letting me go

I walked back down the street feeling my butt buzzing I pulled out my phone and saw Jennifer's name with a number under it I clicked off my screen

I got home and went right into the kitchen "don't worry Baby mama is gunna get this all figured out" I sighed "I'm gunna have to for you no if ands or buts about it" I pulled out a whole tray of frozen macaroni my stomach grumbled

"So it has come to this drowning out my tears with cheese" I turned on the stove smirking "fuckin finally"

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