60-Goodies & Affection

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Harry's pov

I pulled up a had a bag of goodies for Alexis mostly chocolate it's Friday I told her I'd take her on a date and Im happy to have some alone time with her

Angel is such a hog with our time together, I picked up Angel for a movie I invited Alexis too so we all met up and she just wanted to talk to Alexis the whole time I barely got a word in to my girl eventually Alexis noticed and she included me in

I knocked on her door running a hand through my hair I got it cut today and I don't know how she'll feel about it I know she's used to my long hair but I thought a change would be nice

She opened the door "Harrrry!" Her jaw dropped "your hair!" I laughed

"Do you like it?"

She stared and reached out running a hand through "your locks were so beautiful..." she bit her lip "I like it but I'm a bit sad I didn't even get to say good bye"

I chuckled "sorry princess" I held up the bag "I brought you some chocolate as a peace offering"

She gasped "awww accepted" she snatched the bag then grabbed my shirt pulling me in "I'm so happy you came over, me and Heath were getting bored"

I furrowed my eyebrows "Heath? Who's Heath?"

She ran over to her sofa throwing the bag on her coffee table I watched her pick up a Baby from the sofa "this is Heath" she cooed "he's 6 months old" he ate at his hand

I frowned "baby girl... we were supposed to be going out on a date tonight"

She frowned back "I'm sorry daddy I forgot" she pouted "can't he come with us?"

I found that to be sorta weird it's not our kid to bring on a date ya know? But I'm more than sure whoever left him with Alexis knows Alexis is an amazing babysitter she's probably the best person anyone could ever leave their kid with "I dunno that's kinda weird"

"No it's not, come on please I wanna be with you" she batted her lashes "I wanna hold you and cuddle you and pet you and kiss you and hug you and tell you you're so pretty and-"

"Okay okay" I laughed cutting her off not seeing an end to that sentence anytime soon "fine he can come" she clapped

"Come on bubba I gotta go get ready!" She squeaked excitedly and ran down her hallway I sat down to wait for her

She's certainly in a good mood I love when she's like this all the affection and attention I get drives me wild most people don't like this clingy in your personal space kinda thing but I've never had it before and now that Alexis does it I can't get enough it's never too much this usually happens when it's been a few days since we've seen each other she'll relax and not be so extra in a day or so but until then I soak up all the praise

I bit my lip in anticipation for her to come back I realized I didn't even get a kiss yet I got back up and went down the hall to her room

I opened the door and she was trying to button up a dress over her bust but it was a struggle I saw her smashing her chest down and arching her back trying to suck in her chest I walked over and frowned "that's not gunna fit baby" the button was no where near the hole her chest was just too big

"Aww but I really wanted to wear this" she gave up I shook my head

"It's too small lets try another dress" I walked to her closet and flicked through a few dresses I pulled out a nice pinky floral dress I walked back out and held it up to her "I think this is nice princess" she nodded and unbuttoned the rest of the other dress she tried on

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