44-Im a Good Boy

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3rd person pov

Alexis was laying on her sofa eating ice cream watching a movie in the baggiest pair of pants she owned ,a men's extra large, it barely held onto her hips and a tank top that had the sides cut low with her fluffy blanket she was aiming for the maximum comfort

her phone rang she peeked and it was just Harry again she declined it

She ignored him as she promised it's been 3 days since she went to Harry's house with that nasty bitch Bonica

Alexis didn't block Harry though she was way to interested in what he had to say he texted her at least 20 times a day and called maybe 10 times a day it was funny how many times he tried to bribe her he offered clothes, jewelry, vacations, a car but she couldn't care less

He was so desperate but Alexis didn't need him she really didn't she didn't have to pay rent Harry paid it all she didn't pay water or power it was in Harry's name Alexis didn't have to get a job or anything for a few months realistically it was just gas and food she'd have to buy

Hopefully he'll transfer the bills to her name then she'll be through with him but until then it's his own problem

Another call she declined its 11:30 at night he should be going to bed soon she finished her bowl and got up bringing it to her sink she jogged back over so she didn't miss her movie

There was a knock she sighed staring at her door... it didn't just open so maybe it wasn't Harry she got up and peeked through her peep hole

But of course why wouldn't it be Harry?

"Go home Harry" she yelled through the door making him jump he swayed as he stood which was peculiar

"But Alexiiiiss" he whined

She rolled her eyes he must be drunk she couldn't let him drive home he didn't even look like he could stand very well

She opened the door he smiled "you-you open door!" he stepped in Alexis winced he smelled of whisky and vodka she could see very evident stains on his white shirt from the strong liquors he'd been drinking she closed the door behind him even that small action had his head spinning

He grabbed her arm "you didn't answer me" he pulled his phone from his pocket but dropped it he pouted leaning over to pick it up but he started to fall forward she quickly grabbed him before he could ram his head into the door

"Christ Harry!" She pulled him to stand up guiding him to lean on her "fuck how much did you drink?"

"100 dollars of drinks" he mumbled in her ear

It's terrible someone let one man drink that much Alexis understood yes it's money but she was sure after 4 or 5 shots they knew he should've stopped but no one said anything to him they kept giving him what wanted until he left he and came here

"Why would you drink that much?" She pushed his chest getting him to balance himself to stand but he grabbed her arms

"I missed you and I was sad and lonely and I wanted you and..." he frowned deeply "I was bad Alexis s-so bad"

She sighed frowning "oh Harry" she knew he meant it there's no way with this level of alcohol he could even attempt to fake anything "why don't you lay down mm? I'll get you some water and you can sleep" she pulled him off slowly dragging him behind her as he staggered clumsily he hit the coffee table with his shin making him groan

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