70-The Last Piece

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3rd person pov

"What else do we need?" Harry asked

He was acting as the human pack mule for the moment he's got at least 3 bags up each arm and 4 in each hand every bag had either maturity clothes or Baby stuff

"I don't think we need anything else"

And would you be surprised that Harry picked out nearly everything he was holding?

Alexis had one bag in her hand and her purse on her shoulder Harry was reluctant to even let her carry that bag let alone her purse "that can't be all" he shook his head

Alexis shrugged "really and truly dear I think it is"

"Mm" he frowned "this isn't even close to what Angel had as a Baby"

Alexis laughed "there was no one to restrain you then"

He nodded "yes and I do still have all of her things as well... when we have a girl" he smirked

"Mm good" she pulled him for a kiss "how about lunch huh?"

He nodded "I'll call the driver to come fetch these then we'll eat" Harry looked down he then thought to himself... his hands are completely full Alexis giggled and pulled his phone from his pocket she called the driver putting the phone to his ear he blew her a kiss as a thank you then gave his orders

They met him half way and he carried everything ,not nearly a fourth as gracefully as Harry, back to the car

Harry with now free arms immediately wrapped them around Alexis "where to?" Harry motioned around

"Mm I saw a cute little cafe down there I'd kill for a good bagel" he nodded as they walked Harry stepped away from her and made her spin as she walked making her giggle and blush "you're so stupid"

Even as she insulted him he only paid attention to the playful twinkle in her green eyes the way her dimple caved as she smiled at him how she never would for a picture this was a true smile an uncontrollable thing unlike those gentle smiles she made for pictures this was a teeth out, nose scrunched, cheeks flushed kinda smile

the best kind

"You're adorable you know" he gushed missing the possible addition of any insults she may have called him while he was just staring at her with a lovey dovey glazed look 

She rolled her eyes "you're impossible"

"No no the phrase is you're irresistible"

"No no" she mocked me "I believe you mean irritating, I'm irresistible" she fluttered her lashes

He cocked an eyebrow "irritating am I?"

"I'm sure that's what I said" she nodded

He suddenly grabbed her and yanked her against him she gasped her mouth a gap he smiled "I wasn't very irritating in bed last night was I? No I think I can even recall you begging me" he bit his lip "mm vaguely remember you even asking me to stop and when I asked if you wanted me to take it out you dug your nails into my back and locked your ankles around me... or was that just a wet dream of mine" he teased

She watched his teeth sink into his lip and she whimpered a little "it's gunna be one of mine" she whispered making him chuckle

"Glad we're on the same page now" he kissed her and spun her around "cafe my son is hungry darling"

They stepped in and got in line looking at the menu hanging up "mm everything bagel" Alexis hummed rubbing her bump

"I think I'll get the plain one" he nodded to himself they ordered Harry added an iced coffee they paid and were given their order Alexis picked the table one right next to the store window it was a 4 person table and unlike the norm Harry didn't sit across from her he sat next to her he craves a closeness that even the small distance of a table cut off

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