59-Like a Mom

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3rd person

Alexis moaned "you okay Baby?" Harry asked and kissed her before she could answer she nodded in the kiss and moved her hands from his back to his hair he pulled away she twisted his curls in her finger he smiled "you look so beautiful when you're worn that face" he bit his lip "that pure bliss of just getting laid"

He got off her laying on his side of the bed he rolled his shoulders "mmm I can feel the scratches you left princess" he just smirked he laid on his side looking over the plummy purple marks he made on her "wanna take a shower with me?" He asked and kissed her cheek

She couldn't imagine having to stand right now she shook her head "no I'm okay"

Harry laughed "what's wrong honey?" He put his hand on her inner thigh and rubbed "a little weak?"

She closed her legs and pouted "maybe"

He was oozing with pride hearing that he loved when he hit it just right those moments where she couldn't even speak let alone think about leaving his bed he nuzzled himself in her neck "you've gotta get cleaned up Baby there's a mess between your thighs" he whispered in her ear hotly

She whined "stop Baby"

"Fine" he pulled away chuckling "how about I get some wine or champagne and we cuddle a little while?"

She smiled "no thank you I'm already a bit light headed I'd hate to pass out on you" she cupped his cheek and kissed him lightly "go head and shower I'm gunna try and regain feeling in my legs" she joked

A cocky grin split Harry's face "mm" he kissed her again but deeper than before he forced his tongue in too just for further dominance he pulled away when he felt Alexis trying her hardest to keep breathing through her nose "I can wait no problem" he added

She'd kinda forgotten what they were talking about she just lazily opened her eyes and hummed dreamily "what's waiting?"

He sat up smiling adoringly at her "Nothing princess I'll be right back" he got up stretching as he stepped into the bathroom

She watched him disappear then closed her eyes ready for a nap but her phone rang she patted the nightstand but didn't feel it she opened her eyes and looked but didn't see it she leaned over the bed and could see the light through the fabric of Harry's boxers she grabbed them tossing them somewhere else and grabbed her phone


"Hello" Alexis smiled

"Hey Ms.Alexis is... is it okay if I come over?" She sounded nervous

Alexis frowned "I'm not home right now love why what's wrong? Are you okay?"

There was just the slightest sniffle "I-I really need to talk to someone" she was very clearly on the verge of tears

"Of course sweetie" Alexis nodded "yeah I'll be home in a tick okay do you have a ride? do you want me to come get you?"

"I'll call the driver"

"Alright I'll be right there"

"Thank you"

Alexis shook her head "welcome bye sweetie" she hung up and got up walking into the bathroom she cleaned herself up as quietly as possible so Harry wouldn't hear stepping back out she started to get dressed hissing a bit as she got her pants on she walked back into the bathroom looking in the mirror

"Harry I gotta go" she turned facing the shower

"What why?" Harry poked his head out disappointed seeing she was already dressed and ready to walk out

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