Chapter 4- Love at First Sight

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Right after Louis and I were talking I looked over at Niall and Ashley who seemed to be getting really close to each other. I started to get a feeling that Ashley was really falling for Niall because he was basically everything she was looking for in a guy as long as they had stuff in common.

Niall's POV

"So.. Ashley" I said as I started to get nervous.

"Yeah?" she responded smiling which made me feel better.

"Well I was wondering if sometime you wanted to do something like watch a movie or get something to eat?" I said as I took her hand while we were sitting on the couch in the dressing room.

"Yes, I would love to do that!" she said as we started to stare into each others eyes again.

I think I really liked her ever since I first saw her and we couldn't stop starring at each other I had a feeling we would get along really well, if she was a fan or not. After she said yes to going on a date with me she leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her, then softly kissed the top of her head. We just got to sit there and relax like normal teenagers which kind of felt good to do.

While we were sitting there we realized that Harry was with Adriana being his normal flirty self. Then we looked over on the other side of the room and saw that Louis and Cierra were being pretty flirty with each other too.

"Do you know what they are talking about?" I asked Ashley because she knew her friends well.

"No clue, it looks like they are flirting a whole lot though, do you have any idea?" She whispered making sure they wouldn't hear her.

"Nope I have no clue either, but I do have a feeling that Lou likes her, I can tell by the way he is looking at her." I said as she slowly started to smile.

"You really think so? She loves him, he is her favorite in the band this is probably her dream birthday present came true. First meeting her dream crush and having a chance of him crushing on her too" Ashley said to me with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah I really think so he doesn't look at many fans like that only the ones that he ends up crushing on. And you said he is her favorite in the band, which one of us is your favorite?" I asked Ashley as I started to smile and blush along with her.

"Well I would have to say Zayn," she said as she started to giggle and my smile started to fade, "I'm just kidding you are I have liked you from the beginning before you got braces and started working out but now I like you even more," She said kind of shyly as she started to blush and trying to hold back a huge smile, but I couldn't hold back my smile.

"Really? That is awesome! You're my favorite out of you three no doubt about it I knew you were from the moment I first saw you," I said to Ashley as I took her hand and she started to blush even more.

"Aww that means a lot!" Ashley said as she started to stare into my eyes again.

We were both smiling like idiots and I slowly leaned towards her and kissed her on her cheek. When I looked back at her she was biting her lip trying not to smile even more than she already was while she was blushing like crazy. Just then I realized how much I actually did like her and how different she was from the other fans, most fans would be asking for autographs and going crazy crying, but she was different. Ashley was just a normal teenage girl who got shy meeting someone new and treated me like a normal lad she didn't even care that I was in a super famous band.

I really hope you guys like this chapter I tried my best and I will be writing and posting chapter five very soon. And believe me there will be many romantic surprises in the later chapters! :) xx

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