Chapter 28- The Fun is Almost Over

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Cierra's POV

I woke up and stretched, Louis was still asleep. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and left our tent, I went to the fire spot and opened up the cooler. I grabbed the eggs and hotdogs; I looked for something to cook them in. Nothing. I turned and saw that Ashley was walking my way I got up and waited for her to come; she smiled when she saw me and ran.

"Hey," she said sitting on the log beside me, I sat next to her and starred at her in the eyes. "What are you going to make?" I looked down into my hands and realized I was still holding the eggs and hotdogs.

"Uh," I said looking around again; I couldn't find a single thing to bake scrambled eggs with cut up hotdogs in. "Was going to make scrambled eggs with hotdogs," I said as she looked around to find something to bake my famous eggs in.

"I think Niall said something about a pan in the back of the SUV," she said I got up and walked towards the SUV. "I'll come with," she said I smiled and waited for her to catch up. We got to the SUV I popped the trunk and saw another bag, I opened it and there was fake silverware. I smiled and grabbed it I shut the trunk and we walked back to our campsite.

"Alright get me a match," I said as Ashley got up and came back with a pack of matches, I smiled and took it from her. "Alright I'm going to bake these eggs. Can you cut the hotdogs with a fake knife?" I asked her handing her a fake knife and package of hotdogs. She laughed and took them from my hands, I put the pan on the fire and let it heat up. Then I poured the olive oil into the hot pan, I cracked all twelve eggs and let them start baking.

"Done," she said, I took the chopped up hotdogs and poured them onto the pan. "Yum! It smells so good; I love your scrambled eggs with chopped hotdogs," I smiled and Liam came out of his tent with Danielle.

"Morning," I said as they smiled and sat around the fire with Ashley and I. "Breakfast is about ready," I said as Liam smiled, I smiled back and flipped the eggs so they wouldn't burn.

"What smells good?" Louis said walking toward me, I smiled and turned my attention back to the eggs.

"My scrambled eggs," I said taking the pan off the fire, Louis smiled and kissed my cheek. "Go wake the others. I'll get the paper plates," I said getting up and walked to the SUV.

Louis's POV

Cierra told me to wake everyone; I got up and walked to Harry's tent.

"Haz, Ari. Wake up," I said as they woke up and starred at me. "Cierra made breakfast for everyone,” They stretched and got out of the tent. I walked over to Zayn's tent and woke them up, I went to Alssya's tent woke her up, then Quinc's. The three of us came back and saw that Nialler was already awake. 

"Great everyone is here," Ci came with paper plates, she handed everyone one. "Alright I'll give everyone some," she said handing everyone their eggs, she finished with herself. I took a bite and it was the best kind of eggs I've ever tried.

"Oh my god," Niall said chewing his food. "Cierra this is delicious," Everyone nodded in agreement I looked at her and smiled. She looked at me and smiled as well.

"That was amazing," Dani said rubbing her stomach from breakfast. "Thank you. Louis you chose a good one," I smiled and held Cierra's hand; she smiled at everyone's facing after finishing their food.

"Oh shut it guys," she said blushing a bit. "Thanks guys," she said taking our plates and silver ware and threw everything she used away.

"I am so full," Harry said leaning against the log. "Cierra your one hell of a cook," Cierra smiled and looked at me. Alssya got up and walked to her tent, she back and said bye to all of us 'cause her parents where here to pick her up. 

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