Chapter 9- Nerf Guns

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Ashley's POV

I looked at Harry who was standing there awkwardly, then I looked over at Adriana who was sitting the starring at the ground.

"Harry," I said still looking at Adriana, "come sit next to Adriana she looks lonely."

He casually walked over to her, making her smile. I looked over at Louis and Cierra who where in deep conversation. I looked up at Niall and made him smile.

"Should we go get the nerf guns?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Lets go quickly and quietly," he said grabbing my hand pulling me towards his room.

Cierra's POV

I felt my phone buzzing, I saw who it was and answered it immediately. Moments later I hung up the phone smiling.

"Who was that?" Louis asked putting his arm around my shoulders.

"My mom," I said with a huge grin on my face, "she told me my cousins Alex and Jimmy are coming down to see us before Alex has to leave."

"Oh," he said smiling at me, "it would be nice to meet them before they left."

"You're gonna meet SHIMMY," I said with a smile on my face again, that boy is amazing, "you will love him."

"You have a nickname for you cousin?" he asked starring into my eyes.

"Yes," I said. "I am really close with him that's why."

"That's adorable," he said pulling me into a hug. I turned to check up on the other, Harry and Adriana where smiling and talking. I looked at where Niall and Ashley where, and discovered they weren't there anymore. Seconds later I felt something hit the back of my head, Louis noticed and saw Niall and Ashley hiding in a bush and went to talk to them. He was walked back with nerf guns in his hands making me smile again.

"Lets go hide," he said with a smirk on his face. I nodded as he grabbed my hand and took me to a bush, where nobody would find us. I saw Ashley and Niall run to a tree, but Louis was concentrated on a different direction.

Niall's POV

We hid behind a tree, I pulled Ashley by her hand and took her to a small bush, that was next to a mud puddle.

"We should duck before they see us." Ashley said looking for Louis and Cierra. But they where nowhere in sight. I felt something hit the back of my head, and I noticed it was a dart from a nerf gun. Looking all over the place couldn't see where it came from.

"Lets duck." I said. Ashley bumped into me and I fell into the puddle of the mud. She starred at me with that I'm so sorry look in her eyes, as she was also starting to giggle. I got up and all of a sudden darts started flying at us, we saw where they came from and noticed that Cierra and Louis where laughing at what had happened. We lost.

"I better go take a shower before dinner," I said walking back inside. Ashley then figured that she'd better take one after me, cause she was full of mud too. Once we reached the door Liam and Zayn laughed at us. We went to my room and Ashley decided to wait for me to take a shower.

I started the shower and realized I forgot a pair boxers to wear, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and walked out of the bathroom entering my room.

Ashley's POV

Niall walked into his room only with a towel on, this made my heart race like crazy.

"I forgot a pair of boxers." he said getting into his under drawer, I just sat on his bed starring at him.

"Something wrong?" he asked sweetly. The only wrong was that you where making me nervous with you in that towel.

"Nothings wrong," I said biting my lower lip, he walked over to me and stole a passionate kiss that seemed like it lasted forever. He walked out of the room, breathless. I couldn't get over of what I had just saw.

Louis's POV

I grabbed Cierra's hand as we walked back to Harry and Adriana, who seemed to be getting close because they kissing each other and cuddling. We approached them and made them smile at us cause of our hands.

"What's going on here?" Cierra asked making him chuckle.

"Harry," she said pausing for second, "asked me to his girlfriend, I said yes."

Cierra's face lit up like a Christmas tree, walking over to Adriana and pulled her into a hug. Harry stood up next to crossing his arms, smiling.

"Congrats," I said to Harry who seemed really happy about what had happened.

"Thanks Lou," he said smiling bigger when Adriana came to him. I smiled when Cierra came to me, and we held hands going back into Niall's. We got inside and noticed Liam and Zayn sitting on the couches, Harry Cierra, Adriana and I sat on on couch together and joined the other two.

Niall's POV

I got out of the shower fully dressed with fresh clothes on, I walked into my and noticed Ashley sitting there starring at something.

"You can go take a shower now," I said with a smile. "I'll get you some of my boxers and a shirt."

"Thank you, babe." she said sounding shocked. She probably couldn't get over what had happened before I got into the shower. Handing her the clothes, she went into the bathroom and I heard the water start.

I walked into the living room where everyone was and sat next to Liam.

"We have to wait for Ashley to get out of the shower so we can start eating." I said breaking the silence. Still couldn't get what had happened out of my head making me smile.

"Nialler why so smiley?" Louis asked, cuddling with Cierra.

"Oh no reason," I said starting to blush. A door opened and I looked down the hall and see Ashley, I got up and walked to her. I kissing her again then leading her into the living room.

"Ready to eat everyone?" I asked, pulling Ashley into a hug. Kissing the top of her head. Everyone left to the kitchen.

"Babe why have you been so quiet," I asked, "your starting to worry me."

"I don't have anything to say after those kisses." she said resting her head on my chest. I couldn't say anything either. I left go of her and grabbed her hand leaded her into the kitchen. The food was really good.

"Well we better get going," Liam said getting up from the couch, "Zayn and I are going to meet up with Danielle and Perrie."

"It was really good meeting you three wonderful girls," Zayn said with a smile. All of the three girls got up and hugged them both before they shut the door behind them.

"We are gonna watch ''The Blind Side'." I said as I got up to put in the DVD, then got three blankets Harry, Louis, and I since we were all cuddling with our girlfriends.

The Movie had ended and all the girls fell asleep with their heads on our laps ,so Harry, Louis and I went to the kitchen and left the girls to get some sleep on the three couches I had in there.

"So Harry what's going on with you and Adriana?" I asked smiling.

"I'm her boyfriend," he said with a huge grin on his face," I asked her when we were outside."

"Oh I got nervous when I asked Cierra," Louis said with his hands in his pockets, "but it was worth it though, cause I got the girl I have always been wanting in my life."

"I noticed you followed a girl with the same name as her," I say making eye contact with him.

"Its her, she told me that she has a twitter and so I followed her." he said grinning. I grabbed my phone and tweeted '@CierraAnn15follow her!! :) she and @louis_tomlinson are happy' and then I looked at her twitter and her followers added up by the minute. I did the same for Ashley and they both gained hundreds followers within the next ten minutes.

My phone buzzed, it was a call. "Hello.' I answered it and hung up a few minutes later.

"Who was that?" Harry asked.

"Simon," I answered, "we have an interview tomorrow at 10:00, and can bring the girls," I said smiling.

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