Chapter 9

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"That's enough!" I place myself between Lisa and the group of anger females. I expected this to happen. I knew that the females who lost mates would seek out retribution from Lisa for their dead mates. I had planned to explain this to Lisa when I found the time. I didn't know she would go wandering around on her own before I had a chance to explain this to her.

"Enough? No, it's not enough!" Allis says, holding her silver blade, glaring pass me at Lisa. "She and her people killed Joey and I will get the retribution that's rightfully mine." She points her blade towards Lisa as the females standing with her call out their rights to retribution.

I look around as more people start to gather around and more females who have lost mates stand with the other females, calling out their rights to retribution.

I glare at the males as a few of them stand with the females, claiming their rights to retribution. If the warriors who died were mateless, then a male or female from their families has the right to claim retribution.

"This isn't going to happen." I glare around at all the people gathering around. No one is going to harm Lisa.

"By the pack law, this is our right. She's here, she's your mate so pack law applies to her now, or are you going to ignore the law and strip us of our right just because she's your mate?" Allis asks, not looking away from Lisa.

Listen to what she's saying, she's right. Lisa is my mate, but pack law shows no favoritism. Pack law keeps order amongst the pack. They have the right to retribution and I have no right to take away what's rightfully theirs just because Lisa is my mate.

I look at the males and females standing there as more and more males and females who have lost mates and family continues to join the group, claiming their rights to retribution.

I glare at them for a second longer before turning to Lisa. "You have to fight Lisa." There's no other way around this. I've felt the power Lisa holds and I know none of them hold the power to beat her. They won't be satisfied after this when Lisa is left standing. But Lisa is now apart of this pack whether they like it or not. And by law, once their retribution has ended, with death or one is not able to continue fighting, then their rights to avenge their mate and families has ended.

"I'm not going to fight them Lucious." Lisa glares up at me, but this isn't optional.

"You have to, you have no choice." It doesn't matter if she wants to fight or not, they're going to come after her, and I can't stop it.

"I'm not fighting." She says again with a glare.

My jaws clench, not wanting her to have to fight, but I do what I have to and move away from Lisa, and Allis steps forward to take her retribution first.

Allis attack, swinging her silver blade. I follow their fast movements, watching as Lisa swiftly dodges the blade. The second Allis leaves herself open, Lisa shove her, sending her flying back, crashing to the ground.

"I don't want to fight you!" Lisa glares at Allis as she gets up from the ground.

"Once you're dead you won't have to fight!" Allis growls the words out, flashing teeth at Lisa.

"Lucious control your people!" Lisa glare over at me, but there's nothing I can do about this.

Allis attack again with her blade, trying her best to end Lisa, but Lisa is able to avoid the blade.

Catching Allis's wrist, Lisa twists her arm behind her back. "I told you I Don't want to fight!" Lisa twists Allis's arm further, snapping it, causing Allis to scream out in pain as she drops down to one knee, dropping the blade in her hand. Before releasing Allis, Lisa stomp down on the back of Allis's calf, breaking her shin bone, letting Allis fall to the ground screaming in pain.

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