Chapter 10

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After showering, I start to put my bags away, still pissed about what happened. I don't care about their stupid rights to retribution.

I've done no wrong to any of them. The people that I killed attacked me. Was it not right for me to protect myself? Was I supposed to just let them rip me apart?

Lucious is right about how I could've easily ripped the first female I fought apart, and maybe that wouldn't been enough to make the others think twice about coming after me like Lucious said it would, but I wasn't raised like them. I'm not some savage monster who unnecessarily takes other's lives. Lucious says that me sparing the first female life was me showing weakness. But there was no reason for me to take her life when she was no longer able to fight. So I decided to do the same to the other three females I fought today and just take them out of the fight, without having to kill them.

Lucious can think that it's weakness if he wants to, I don't care.

Mother didn't raise us that way. We weren't raised around violence and killing. All this killing and bloodshed is something new for me. Taking someone's life isn't as simple as Lucious makes it seems. Maybe for him, it's simple, but not for me. Especially when it's clearly unnecessary.

I let out a sigh, I guess the peaceful lifestyle that I once lived is now a thing of the past.

Once I finish putting my bags away, I grab my phone to call my family. I miss them all and it'll really help to hear one of their voices right now.

As I go to call mother, I decide she's not the person I should call at this moment. She will ask questions of how I'm being treated here and lying to here like everything is fine won't work. She has always been able to somehow tell when I'm lying.

Although things aren't overwhelmingly bad here, this place hasn't really been quite so welcoming for me, and if mother finds out about all of this, then she will surely come here like the protective mother she is to defend me like I'm still a kid, and I don't want that to happen, so it's best that I don't call her just yet.

Instead, I decide to call BJ.

"Hello." I smile to myself at hearing his voice. I know it's only been a few days, but it feels much longer.

"Miss me?" I let out a low chuckle, overly excited to talk to him.

"Now why would I go and start missing you, when you have always been nothing but a pain in the ass." He says joking. I can picture that stupid smirk on his face right now.

Listening closely, I can hear Fin and Frank arguing in the background, making me miss them all even more.

I let out a low chuckle as my eyes start to water, knowing I won't be there to be a pain in their asses now. "I miss you guys." My voice cracks a bit, trying to stop myself from full out crying.

Things go silent for a second. "Is everything okay there Lisa?" BJ's tone is now serious. I guess he didn't miss the cracking of my voice as tears threaten to spill out.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I sniff a little, reaching up wiping away the tears that managed to escape.

"Are you sure?" He asks again for reassurance.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just really miss you guys that's all." I wipe the rest of my tears away and take in a calming breath, stopping myself from crying. "What have you guys been up to?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Nothing much. I've bought land for my pack and now I'm in the process of getting everything situated there, so I'll be leaving the castle in a few months to find my own way as the alpha of a pack. Once everything is in place, I want you to come and visit us." I guess BJ is also taking a new journey in life, but unlike me, he'll still have our cousins Freddy, Frank, and Fin around so he'll always have familiar faces with him.

Lycan Blood/Editing (#2 book to the Lycan series!)Where stories live. Discover now