Chapter 38

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Unable to fall asleep, I lay here on my side watching Lucious as he sleeps. He turns over on his stomach resting his head back down on the pillow. I watch as he takes in even steady breaths, looking to be at peace while asleep.

I move closer to him my face my nose nearly touching his. I reach up and gently place my hand on the side of his face, kinda hoping that he would wake up to keep me company, but he doesn't. He slightly moves his head against my hand as he takes in a deeper breath and slowly releases it as he continues to sleep.

Keeping my hand resting on the side of his face, I lightly brush my thumb against his cheek as I watch him. The pull of the bond has grown and now I'm always craving his touch, wanting to feel him, wanting to be close to him.

My eyes move down to his lips and I start to feel this tingle between my legs. Now that the pull towards him had grown stronger, it doesn't take much for him to get aroused. Many guys have tried to get into my pants and the one guy that I desperately want to give myself to won't take it. He thinks that if he marks me it will cloud his judgment and stupid plan to get revenge.

I know that he wants me just as bad as I want him. I could smell the arousal on him the second he walked into our bedroom earlier today, but I knew he would only pull away, fighting what he really wants.

My eyes move down to the crook of his neck as those thoughts of marking him against his will start to fill my mind again. Maybe marking him and connecting us on a much greater level is what needs to be done. He may not see it now, but I'll only be helping him.

I look away from his neck, back up at his beautiful face. I just don't want anything to happen to him, but he refuses to let this hatred and this need for revenge go. I understand why he feels this way, but this is a fight that he's not going to win against father. His ego is too big for him to see that.

I let out a sigh as I remove my hand from the side of his face and sit up, getting out of the bed. I leave the room to head down to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

As I make my way through the house, I hear the low sound of whimpering. I follow the sound to the room that Lucious's mother is in. I slowly open the door seeing her large wolf lying there on the bed. As she continues to whimper I look back down the hall wondering if I should go wake Lucious to come to her.

I look back into the room at her and take a hesitant step forward, walking into the room.

I swallow nervously as I slowly walk over to the bed not knowing how her wolf will react to me.

Once I'm standing next to the bed, her wolf looks at me but doesn't growl or flash teeth at me. She just continues to lowly whimper.

I look at her wolf. Her wolf body takes up nearly the whole bed, but she is much thinner than what she should be. I slowly reach out placing my hand on her, lightly rubbing her fur to help calm her.

Her whimpers slowly fade as she watches me.

Seeing the way she licks her tongue out lets me know she's hungry. Maybe that's what's wrong with her. She's just hungry.

"I'll get you some food," I tell her before leaving the room heading down to the kitchen.

I grab a pack of the raw ground beef out the refrigerator that Lucious and Tilda give to her throughout the day and pour it into a large bowl. I put the bowl into the microwave for a couple of seconds just to warm the raw ground beef up a bit, not wanting to give it to her cold.

After taking the bowl out of the microwave, I head back up to the room to Lucious's mother.

When she sees the bowl she lifts her head up a bit as she tries to move over to me, but her thin body seems too weak to move much. I look down at the meat in the bowl seeing that she's unable to sit up, so I'll have to feed her.

I reach into the bowl scooping some of the meat into my hand. I swallow nervously as I slowly move the meat to her mouth, hoping she's not playing friendly with me and tries to bite my hand off once she has the chance.

I hold my breath not wanting to make any quick movements as I bring the meat to her mouth. I slowly let out the breath that I was holding when she quickly eats the meat from my hand without taking my hand off too. I smile as I watch her lick up the little meat that fell on the bed, before looking back at the bowl waiting for more.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed as I feed her the meat, lightly rubbing her fur as she eats.

"Lisa." I hear Lucious deep voice, scaring me causing me to quickly stand up from the bed.

I look over seeing him standing there at the door.

"I...I..She was whimpering when I got up to get a drink of water, so I came to see what was wrong and she was hungry." I explain, not knowing if I should have done this. I was just trying to help.

He looks at the bowl in my hand. "It's fine." He walks over to the bed.

He reaches out and touches her, rubbing the fur down between her ears. "She wants more." He says, looking over at me holding the bowl.

I look down at the meat in the bowl, then scoop some into my hand giving it to her.

"What have the healer said about her condition?" I ask Lucious as I continue to give her the meat. The healer still comes to the house sometimes to check on her. Lucious may not have his mother back, but at least he got her wolf to come forward. Now the wolf can feed and stay strong while their mother deals with the trauma of losing her mate.

"Not much from before. Only that mother wolf is weak and to focus on getting her strength back for now. And once her wolf is strong enough taking her out to see familiar faces may help her." He frowns as he reaches out to touch the top of her head.

I look down into the bowl, looking away for the pain in Luscious eyes as he looks at his mother in this condition. I hope that their mother gets better. He has lost one parent already.

The next morning I head down to the kitchen and began to cook breakfast.

Hearing the door open, I look over as Frank walks into the kitchen rubbing the side of his neck, looking to be in a bit of pain.

I let out a low chuckle. "I see Tilda is still making you sleep on the floor. Got any sleep last night?" I tease, grinning over at him enjoying this look of Frank.

It's funny to see how Frank chase after Tilda like a love sick puppy. Usually, it's thirst shewolves chasing after him. But I'm sure Frank hasn't thought once about any other female since he found Tilda.

"I've just come from staying in a castle and sleep on soft silk. I'm royalty, I shouldn't be sleeping on floors." Frank says causing me to laugh.

"Well, it looks like you should get comfortable down there cousin." I laugh causing him to glare over at me.

"Don't worry. I'll teach her a lesson tonight." He says as I continue to laugh.


Lycan Blood/Editing (#2 book to the Lycan series!)Where stories live. Discover now