Chapter 42

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"Lisa, the vampire prince is here. He's after you!" Frank's mind links me. I drop the book and stand up from the couch.

"There you are." I hear this smooth deep voice behind me. By the time I turn around he's holding me in the air by my throat cutting off my airway. I try to get out of his hold, but he's stronger than me. I can feel the power pouring from him.

"No need to fight." He says as I began to shift to get out of his hold.

As I shift he moves me across the room quickly slamming me hard up against the wall. The back of my head bounces off the wall, filling my vision with black spots. More and more black spots fill my vision feeling myself drift toward the darkness. Unable to hold my eyes open I'm consumed by the darkness.

I slowly open my eyes struggling to lift my heavy eyelids. I slowly lift my head up feeling like the room is spinning. My breaths are shallow, having a hard time breathing. I look over, seeing the iv drip hanging next to the chair I'm in. I start to smell the wolfsbane, now knowing why I'm feeling this way. I pull at the thin rope that's holding my arms down, but my body is too weak from the wolfsbane.

"You've been out quite a long time." I look up at him as he walks up to me, everything moving slowly, feeling dizzy. I continue to pull at the ropes feeling like I'm going to pass out. "I haven't had the pleasure of torturing and killing a Lycan in many many years and its very tempting, but things don't have to come to that if you give me what I want." He says as he slowly paces back in forth in front of me.

"W-wh-What?" My voice comes out low.

"I will trade you your life for a vile of your venom, simple. Sounds like a pretty decent trade if you asked me." He let out a low chuckle as he continues to pace. "You see, I'm going to get it one way or another, but I rather do things the easy way. Easy ways are fun, right?" His voice holds amusement almost as if he's joking, but I can feel the threats hiding behind his words.

"So what is it going to be?" He stops pacing, frowning down at me.

"W-why?" I ask wanting to know why he wants Lycan venom, its poisonous to their kind.

I feel my teeth and claws elongate as my beast pushes forward. I'm too weak to hold the beast within back, but the beast is also too weak to take over. I can feel the beast whimpering and clawing at the surface trying to shift, but we're too weak.

"Don't ask questions." He tells me.

My vision goes in and out of focus looking at the frown on his face.

"W-why?" I ask again.

He just stands there for a moment frown down at me, before a sick smirk tug at the corner of his lips. "That pathetic half breed came to me for help with killing you animals and I was actually looking forward to killing you all, but then I find out that he's mated to you, the daughter of the Lycan king, causing everything to change. You see when your filthy brother bit me that venom left me incapacitated. Now I'm going to use your venom on my brother, kill him, and become king. Then I'll finish the war my father started and wipe you filthy animals out." Hearing what he said I'm too weak to react on the outside, but on the inside, I'm crying out for help.

"I warned you about asking questions and now that I've told you everything after I have gotten your venom I'll be killing you." My head continues to tilt back and forth unable to hold my head steady as I watch him unbutton his suit jacket taking it off, before walking over neatly laying it down.

Fear starts to fill me.

Too weak to cry out, my tears silently make their way down my face unable to do anything.

Feeling this fear of dying, I start to think of my family as I cry out on the inside knowing I'll never see any of them again.

Afraid, I do what I've always done since a kid whenever I was afraid, I try to connect to BJ and his beast for protection. But he's too far away. I think about father, but Uncle Fred told me father went off to Cuba with mother to deal with some wolves.

"Don't think you're going to die because you asked questions. I was going to kill you either way." He starts to roll his sleeves back as he walks back over to me with an evil smirk covering his face. "Let's get that animal in you out enough so I can get what I want." He reaches out slapping me hard across my face. I groan out in pain tasting the blood that starts to fill my mouth.

Too weak to hold the beast back, it pushes forward as much as it can, but too weak to shift. The beast growl out snapping sharp elongated teeth at him.

Knowing there's a good chance that I'm going to die, I do the last thing I can to try to help myself.

Using my ability to link with any wolf, I open the link as far as my weak body and mind would allow me to, trying to connect with any wolf close enough. I feel a weak connection as I struggle to hold the link open. "Helppp.." My voice is low and drugged out in my head, hoping the wolf can hear me.

"Who is this?" I can hear the confusion in the male voice.

Too weak to hold the link, I feel the link threatening to close as he continues to hit me riling the beast up.

Not having time to explain anything, I start to call out uncle Fred number to him, knowing uncle Fred will answer busy or not. Once I give the wolf the last number, I let the link slam shut too weak to hold it any longer.

Blood drip from my mouth as the beast continues to snap at him as my face burns from him hitting me over and over again. I can taste the bitterness of the venom that's starting to mix with the blood and saliva that drips from my mouth as the beast's natural instinct take over and it snaps at him trying to sink venomous teeth into him. Too weak to force the beast back I watch weakly from the beast eyes as it continues to snap shape elongated teeth at him.

He's going to get what he wants, then he's going to kill me. I cry to myself helplessly.


Lycan Blood/Editing (#2 book to the Lycan series!)Where stories live. Discover now