Chapter 33

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I sit here in my office, looking through some old strolls. My jaws clenched down, thinking about what happened the other day. Just the thought of the way he easily took me down causes my blood to boil. I hate having to face the fact that he's more than me. The power I felt from him was almost too much to stand against. But I don't care how much power he holds, I'll never bow or submit to him as my king.

He's nothing to me and soon I'll do what my father tried to do and wipe him and his name away for good!

I've been looking through these old strolls, doing some research on the vampire prince Samuel. Unlike his older brother king Draven and his younger sister Victoria, Samuel has hated wolves dating all the way back to the times of the Lycans. He holds the same hated that his father once held for Lycans and wolves.

I look over at the door as uncle Jax walks into the office.

"You wanted to speak with me about something?" He asks, walking over taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"I need to know where this club is located that the vampire Prince Samuel owns." I've made up my mind and I'm going to go to him to see if he's interested in helping me kill them all. From what I've learned about him, he's not the type to let things go, and with the altercation, Samuel supposedly had with Lisa's brother I'm hoping that will be enough to get his attention.

With the firstborn alphas too scared to rise up against them, the vampire prince is my last option.

"It's about a day drive from here, located in a city name West Port. Have you decided to go to the vampire prince?" He asks with a raised brow.

"Yes." I look down at the old strolls in front of me. I didn't want to go to him like some weakling, but if it means I get to kill the Lycan king and everyone else then I will. I frown, knowing I'll have to find a way to put my ego aside to deal with him and his arrogant ways of thinking everyone is beneath him.

"Would you like for me to come with you?" Uncle Jax asks.

"No, I'll go alone." I want him to know that I don't need backup by my side to approach him.

"Just be careful, that bloodsucker is a fucking phyco." Uncle Jax warns me.

After uncle Jax leaves, I continue to read through the strolls, learning more about the vampire prince. Before the lycan king and the vampire king ended the war of the wolves and vampires, Samuel would slather whole packs of Lycans and wolves alone. The more I read about this guy, the more I realize how right uncle Jax is about this guys being a phsyco. He's unstable and unpredictable, but I could definitely use his help.

I look over towards the window, seeing that the sun is starting to go down. I frown, seeing that the day is coming to an end, but my sister isn't here yet.

I leave the office, going up to the room where I find Lisa sitting on the bed reading.

"My sister isn't here." She told me Tilda would be here today.

She looks over at me, before reaching over grabbing her phone off the bedside table. I watch as she goes through her phone, before putting it up to her ear.

After ringing a few times, I hear a male answer the phone.

"Where are you, Frank?" Lisa ask.

"We're almost there." That mutt says, causing a low growl to vibrate my chest.

"Okay, I'll see you then," Lisa tells him before ending the call. "They're coming." She says, looking over at me.

My jaws clench, knowing that mutt is coming here. The scene of how he must've come into my home and took Tilda play out in my head. I wasn't there, but I can tell he took her by force by the way mother's food was spilled onto the floor.

"Do you want to read with me, until they get here?" Lisa ask.

I look down at the book in her hand, then back to her. "I have to take care of some paperwork, maybe next time."

"Okay." She says sitting her phone back onto the table.

I head back to the office and continue to read over the old scrolls about the vampire prince Samuel.

After about an hour pass, I hear the sound of a car pulling into the driveway of the house, knowing it must be Tilda.

I leave out of the office, heading to the front door.

Leaving out the front door, Tilda walks over hugging me. I hug her back, before pulling away, looking at her.

"Are you okay?" I frown, glancing over at that mutt as he gets bags out the car.

"I'm fine," Tilda tells me, before heading into the house.

My jaws clench down, glaring over at that mutt. I remember him. I fought him that night in the forest when Lisa freed mother and me from those cells. I thought for sure I killed him, but clearly not.

This anger starts to bubble up, watching as he makes his way to the door, carrying bags.

I step out in front of him, blocking his way. "Your time is going to come and I'm going to kill you as well." A growl vibrant my chest, glaring at him.

He smirks as if I'm joking, only angering me more.

My beast pushes forward, wanting to end this mutt here and now.

"Lucious." I hear Lisa call my name. I glare at him for a second longer before stepping to the side, watching as Lisa gives him a hug and a smile.

I continue to glare at him, watching as he walks into my house. I want to break his neck, but I know if I kill him now it will ruin any plans that I have to kill them all later.

"Lucious," Lisa call my name, but I continue to glare at the mutt as he makes his way up the stairs.

Lisa steps out in front of me, slightly pulling at my shirt to get my attention. Once that mutt is out of sight, I look down at her.

"He's Tilda's mate. She may not care for him much right now, but she will. If you do anything to him, later in life Tilda will hate you for it when she's left mateless." She tells me.

My jaws clenched down as I glare back into the house where he's at.


Lycan Blood/Editing (#2 book to the Lycan series!)Where stories live. Discover now