Chapter 26

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While Lucious sleep, I stand at the bedroom window looking up at the beautiful night sky that's filled with stars.

I smile as Lucious smirking and smiling face pops into my head, as he tells me that I make him happy. It felt good to hear him say that I make him happy.

That was the first time I've seen that cocky smirk of his since I let him out that prison cell. It may seem like something simple, but that simple smirk and smile meant a lot.

I've been here for months and haven't seen him show that type of emotion towards me. I guess I just need to be patient with him to let him get past the hurt and anger he has balled up inside of him. Seems like he's slowly starting to move past all of this hatred and anger for revenge. Today I saw a glimpse of the guy I met in that prison cell.

"Lisa." I hear Lucious's sleepy voice call out to me. I look back, watching him slowly sit up on the bed. "Is something wrong?" He asks, looking over at me.

"No, everything is fine." I walk over, climbing back onto the bed next to him. I lay down into his arms, feeling him wrap around me. I take in a slow, deep breath, inhaling his scent, closing my eyes as I relax in his arms to sleep.

The next morning while Lucious shower, I head down to the kitchen to start on breakfast.

I go into the kitchen and start to make breakfast for Lucious and I. Hearing the kitchen door open, I look over watching as Tilda comes into the kitchen. She glares over at me as she walks over to the refrigerator.

I push the beast away as it pushes forward, deciding not to glare back at her. That's exactly what she wants. She wants to get a reaction from me, but I'm not going to give it to her.

I look away and continue cooking breakfast.

"You should've done everyone a favor and never came back here." I don't have to look over at her, but I can feel her eyes glaring into my back.

I keep my back towards her as I take the food out, not giving her my full attention. "This is my home now and I'm going to be here a really long time, so you should get used to seeing me around." Even if I did choose to not come back here, from the way Lucious reacted when he saw me packing my bag to leave, I'm sure he wasn't going to let me stay away.

"We'll see about that." A low growl vibrates her chest.

I continue with the food in front of me, not replying. I'm not going to go back and forth with her about this. This is my home now, whether she likes it or not.

I spend most of the day laying on the couch in the living room eating popcorn and watching movies, while Lucious deal with pack business.

When he takes a break from his Alpha duties, he comes and watches tv with me for a bit, before going back into the office.

I can see that he's trying not to be so emotionless. At first, He said he didn't have anything to smile about, but now he's making an effort to do it for me and It means a lot to me that he's doing it because he thinks I'm worth it.

I look over and smile a little as Lucious walks into the living room. He lifts my legs up and takes a seat on the couch, resting my legs back down on his lap.

"What are you watching now?" He asks, looking over at the tv.

"The 100," I tell him, putting popcorn into my mouth.

As we sit here watching tv together, he asks me questions about the show to understand what's going on.

As he watches the tv his hands rest down on my legs, slightly tapping his finger against my leg, making it hard for me to focus on the tv.

Lycan Blood/Editing (#2 book to the Lycan series!)Where stories live. Discover now