Chapter 8

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I stood in the mirror nervously. Tessa yipped happily by my feet. She had a green bow that matched the color of my dress by one of her ears. She looked adorable. "Are you ready?" I asked her. Her tails wagged happily as she headed to the door. I took one final look in the mirror. My hair curled and fell down my back and the only jewelry I wore was my grandmother's ring and the necklace Azia had given me. My Scayra was around my hips proudly.

I left the room before I chickened out. My heels clicked on the floor as I walked with Tessa to the ballroom. The ball room had a glass dome ceilings, allowing us to see the night sky. The moon wasn't full yet, but it will be within the next few minutes. When Unif said that it was something to see, he wasn't kidding. Many were dressed in different style dresses, one more outrageous than the other. It was a chance to show off their wealth, I realized.

My eyes had found Yinsy and Xan but I had to quickly look away since he had her pinned to the wall, kissing her without a care. Many were kissing their mates some more fiercly than others. I just pray the clothes stay on until they get to their rooms. Tessa yipped happily when she saw Unif. He gave her a smile and a piece of meat. I rolled my eyes as I smiled, I know where she'll be spending her night.

I then felt someone watching me. I smiled when I saw it was King Azia by the patio doors. I studied him as I walked over. He was magnificent in his dark suit. "Do you wear anything other than black?" I teased him. He chuckled softly and it did something weird to my body. "I wore white not to long ago." He said. I rolled my eyes, "That's only because you couldn't wear black." He smiled and suddenly the room was lit with a blue light coming from the moon as it became full and shined into the room. I felt a strong pull in my chest that nearly had me stumble as I looked at Azia. He seemed nervous as I realized what it meant.

I gave him a soft smile, "I didn't think humans could be mated to demons." He nodded, "It's rare, but it happens." I smiled, and took his hand, "Come dance with me." He smiled as I pulled him to the dance floor. Tonight no one noticed us, to many deep in love with their mates and others finding their mates. After we ate Azia took me to the patio. The wind was cold so he stood so his wings blocked the wind. "Do you accept my courtship?" He asked nervously. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" I asked him. "Because I'm a monster." He spat with such fury. I cupped his cheek, his rough stubble tickling my palm. "When I look at you, I don't see a monster." Something shined in those gold eyes of his.

He turned his face into my palm, placing a soft kiss. Sparks shot up my arm, making me smile. He then took my hand, leading me back inside to continue dancing the night away. I had a sense of familiarity as I carried a pudgy Tessa back to our room with Azia. "Goodnight Raven." He said, shocking me when he kissed my cheek. I stood their shocked, watching him walk away. My hand went to my cheek and my face felt hot. I slipped into my room before someone saw me standing their like an idiot.

The next morning I was able to get up and eat breakfast without my loud friend yelling at me. Many of the mated staff and Guards were no where to be seen around the palace, probably still enjoying each other. Unif was making some new horse shoes when I came in. He smiled when he saw I wasn't wearing my Scayra. "About time. I thought he was an idiot for missing the last full moon." Unif said.

My face heated, "Wait you knew?" He smiled, "I have an ability to see bonds between two people, be them enemies, friends, or mates. Of course I wasn't going to tell you, because it's so much better when you find out on your own." I rolled my eyes, no wonder he was always teasing.

Later on Yinsy and Xan came walking up, hand in hand. Yinsy ran and hugged me when she saw me without a Scayra. "It's the King isn't it?" She asked, holding me out at arm's length. I only gave her a small smile and she pulled me in for another bone crushing hug. "I'm so happy for you!" She squealed, making my ears ring. I think I might go deaf.

"Let the girl breathe." Xan said, pulling his mate away. I sucked in air greedily. Suddenly Tessa growled, looking at the sky. There was something coming straight towards the castle, shooting blasts of magic. Suddenly we were hit with a blast of magic, sending me into a bush. Although when I got to my feet they weren't feet anymore. They were paws. What the hell?

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