Chapter 11

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I've worked for a month, building up the muscles in my back and practicing taking off and landing. Today though, Azia thinks I could actually fly today. We stood on the balcony of his room, the city so far below us, it was barely there.

He jumped into the air and smiled, "I promise to catch you if you fall." I felt nothing but excitement as I leaped into the air and a cold winter wind caught my wings, allowing me to soar high. I let out a laugh of happiness. I flew in circles, "This is so amazing!" I stopped and stayed there, flapping as I looked down at him. He came and met me. "This you're up for a race?" He asked smirking. I smirked, "Always."

He was then gone, "Try to keep up!" He yelled. "No fair!" I said, shooting after him. His laughter reached my ears as I closed in. We were neck and neck. He landed in a snow filled field. I smiled and tackled him. We rolled in the snow laughing until we ended with me on top. He smiled and brushed some snow from my hair. "You're a very sore loser." He said while chuckling. I laughed softly, "I am not." He rolled his eyes, "Sure you're not." We then laid there for a moment, just looking into each other's eyes. Happiness, bright and pure shined in his eyes. My eyes went to his lips and he seemed to think the same. He cupped the side of my face as we leaned in. Suddenly he had us flipped as a fire ball slammed into his back, burning his wings.

He was then up, a sword in his hand. A large horde of beasts and demons wearing King Dimo's symbol. I stood up and saw we were completely surrounded. King Dimo smirked, "What will the great King do now?" Azia growled, "Raven, I want you to close your eyes until I say, okay?" "What?" I asked. "Just trust me, please." He said. It was that slight plea in his voice that had me doing as he asked.

It was as if the cork had been pulled from a bottle. Power poured from him. I heard screams and groans. I couldn't help myself and peaked. There he stood, skin covered in red scales, hair free of the leather strap that held it back. Long black talons came from his fingers. Fangs as long as daggers tore into the enemy. He was now ten feet tall, his wings although they were burned, were much larger.

They ran screaming, trying to get to safety. I watched in wonder and amazement. When it was over he was panting and covered in blood as he went back to his normal form. King Dimo wasn't amongst the dead, meaning he had gotten away. He dropped to his knees and I went to him. "I told you to keep them closed." He said weakly. "Let's not worry about that right now." I helped him to his feet.

"We won't make it back to the palace before sunset, there's a cave far enough away the beasts won't find us." He said, eyes starting to close. When we found the cave I laid him down then went to collect wood so we wouldn't freeze. When I got back to the cave I saw he stripped off his blood soaked clothes, leaving only his under shorts. My face heated as I took in the beautiful black tattoos that covered his entire body. I quickly averted my eyes to the task at hand.

He was silent as he watched me from where he lay. "I wish you hadn't seen that." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. I smiled when I got the fire started. "See what? See you protecting your mate?" I asked, still not looking at him. "See the monster I am." He said, his voice caring centuries worth of pain. "I didn't see a monster." I told him. "Then why aren't you looking at me?" He asked. "Because you're naked." I said, my voice cracking and my face feeling like it might melt off.

"You've never seen a naked man before?" He asked, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Not until a few minutes ago." I said. I dared a glance at his face, saw him smiling. I then noticed how take he was. "Get some rest Azia." I told him. "What about you?" He asked me. "What about me?"  "You need rest too."

I shook my head, "I'm gonna stand watch." "The blood from those demons will keep all the beasts over there. No one will mess with us." He said. "Come here." I sighed and shrugged off my warm jacket for him to use as a pillow. I laid my head on his chest, one of my wings covering him like a blanket. One of his damaged wings covered me. "Will your wings heal?" I asked him. "It'll be a long process. I don't look forward to getting to my room every day." He sighed.

I bit my lip, "You could share my room. There aren't many in the palace that are meant for winged demons and they're all taken." I rambled on. "I think I would give you a heart attack. I sleep nude." He told me. My face was on fire yet again and he chuckled softly. "Thank you for the offer though." He kissed the top of my head, "Get some sleep." Sleep was a little hard with the demonic god as my pillow but it eventually cave to me.

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