Chapter 14

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Last night when he walked me to my room we stood outside kissing for who knows how long. It was a kiss that if one of us didn't pull away, we would've kept kissing until sunrise. I woke up to Yinsy coming in, looking troubled. "Are you okay?" I asked her, waking up instantly. "Azia's siblings just showed up unannounced, and he looks like he's about to kill them."

I quickly got up and got dressed. Tessa ran with me as we went through the halls till we got to the throne room where four people stood, smirking. Azia sat on his throne, talons out and piercing the arms of his throne. The visitors turned to me but I ignored them as I walked up the steps to the throne. He shifted his position and pulled me into his lap, breathing in my scent. His talons retracted as he relaxed a little. "I see you finally found a whore." One sneered. Suddenly I was alone in the throne and Azia was pinning the man to the wall. He was partially shifted, "I don't care what you say about me, but never disrespect my mate." His voice a full growl. The man clawed at Azia's hand, trying to free himself. "Azia." I called out simply. He dropped the man and every step he took towards me, he looked more and more like himself. I let him sit back in the throne and he pulled me into his lap. "Raven, I would like for you to meet my older siblings. Cinteri, is the pathetic oldest trying to catch his breath. Lana is the bitch who doesn't deserve to share the same looks as our beautiful mother. And the troublesome twins, Jansin and Jurian. Everyone this is my beautiful mate Raven." The ice in his introduction told me of their relationship. "Now what brings you here besides giving me a headache?" He asked them.

"King Dimo." Lana said, no emotion in her voice. She was beautiful with hair of gold, skin of obsidian, and wings of ivory. She wore an expensive red gown that said she cared about what she looked like. Her eyes kept glancing down to Tessa who sat beside the throne on her own bed. Tessa could feel how intense it was in here so she stayed alert and by my side.

"He came to our homes, threatening us...and my family." Jansin told him. He held almost a plea in his voice. "He took my mate who is pregnant." Tears now in his eyes. "My other three kids are waiting in a hotel for me to return with news on whether or not you'll help me save her." I felt Azia tension shift to something else. "We know you hate us for what we did, and although not all of us feel bad." Jurian said while giving a pointed look to the glaring Cinteri before looking back at us. "We all care for Tiya."

"Why would Dimo take her?" Azia asked, no emotion in his voice. "Because he was hoping it would make us join him. He didn't think we'd come and ask for your help." Lana replied. "I tracked him to Thaos Tooth mountain where he and many others are staying. It looks like he's getting ready for a war." Azia nodded, then looked to me. "It's not just up to me." "Just come home to me in one piece. After our last encounter with him." I said, my eyes going to his wings. "The most I can promise is that I will come home to you alive." He told me. I nodded and we looked back to his siblings. "Bring your kids here and I'll watch over them." I told Jansin. "That way they're safe."

He nodded, "Thank you." "We'll leave once they're settled." Azia told them. They quickly left and I turned to him.

"How do you feel?" I asked him. "Three of my four siblings seem to regret what happened, but why never come forward?" He asked more to himself than to me. "Because they were ashamed." I told him. It had been clear to me. Cinteri was another story though. Azia sighed, "What do I do?"

I gave him a small smile, "Take baby steps." He nodded, and kissed my cheek, "This was not how I wanted to spend the day." I smiled, "How did you see us spending the day?" "I saw me watching you work." He told me. I rolled my eyes, "There has to have been something else you planned on doing besides watching me get sweaty and beating a hammer on hot metal." He shook his head, "I love watching you work." I chuckled, "Creepy much?" He smiled, "Only for you."

My cheeks heated and I got up, "Come on, you need to prepare. And no killing your siblings." "Even if they deserve it?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Even then. You and I both know you'll regret it." I told him. He sighed in defeat as we left the throne room.

I stood at the palace gates with Azia. Jansin had three beautiful daughters who had the same black hair he did but their eyes were a beautiful silver, their skin was a mix of flesh and scales. The scales were violet, scattered amongst their arms, almost like gems. They also had white feathered wings instead of leathery ones like him.

Azia cupped my cheek, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too." He kissed me as if it might be his last. When he pulled away he crouched down to Tessa, "Protect them with your life." Tessa licked his cheek before he stood. He gave me one last smile before walking to his siblings. Lana then opened a portal and they all stepped through it. I looked to Jansin's daughters Aurora, Briar, and Amili. "Come on girls, let's go raid the kitchen."

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