Chapter 10

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First I'm a human, then I'm a cat, and now I'm a demon. I stood in the bathing chamber of Azia's room, looking at myself in the mirror. I no longer had human ears on my head, instead I had cat ears on my head, and a tail just above my ass. I had large leathery wings on my back as well. I moved my hair from my face and winced as I accidentally cut myself with my razor sharp claws. My nails and wings were what I loved the most but it was still so strange seeing myself as a demon.

There was a knock on the door, "Yeah." I said. Azia came in and his eyes traveled over my new features. "Well?" I asked him nervously. "You're beautiful." His voice filled with awe. My face heated, "Thank you." I then smiled as an idea came to mind, "Will you teach me how to fly?" He seemed caught off guard by my question, then smiled, "I would be honored."

I felt excited at the idea of learning how to fly. "I will also teach you how to use your magic once that comes in as well." I smiled happily, not only would it be fun but I would also get to spend time with him. "How long do you think it will take for my magic to come in?" I asked him. He shrugged, "It's different with each person." He held out his hand, "Let's get you something to eat." I took his hand and felt sparks ignite making my stomach have butterflies.

He opened his door and picked me up before stepping off the ledge. I squealed in shock and he chuckled. He let his winds catch the air before we hit the floor, allowing a simple landing. He set me down and I smiled, the rush of adrenaline coursing through me.

We went to the kitchen, talking about simple little things as we walked. Yinsy was in the kitchen with a tray. "I was just about to bring this to you. Do the clothes fit?" She asked me. I nodded, "They do, thanks." Azia took the tray in one hand then took me to the patio. "I'm sorry it happened like this." He told me. I shrugged, "Everything happens for a reason." I smiled, "Plus I like the way I turned out." I meant it. It was a nice change. I could've done without the excruciating pain though.

He smiled and then pulled something other of his pocket. It was my necklace and my ring hanging on it. He took the ring off the chain and handed it to me. I slipped it on and he put my necklace on me. "So who were the ones attacking?" I asked him. "They weren't attacking. They were pulling pranks. The Valki like to cause chaos. They didn't know you had gotten hit until I talked to them and they felt bad for what they did. They usually do it every few months. Mostly changing the color of someone's house, making fruit explode, and other inconveniences. They never try to hurt someone or make the changes permanent." He explained to me.

I didn't know what to think about that. At least they know what they did was wrong but seriously, a kitten? Okay Unif's scales changing were a little funny. "Did you have any pranksters in Tomayo?" He asked me. I shook my head, "Many were just trying to make ends meet over there. The King is greedy so we have outrageous taxes. Not even kids played jokes because they were trying
to get whatever small jobs they could." It had been extremely hard for me, but I managed.

"I saw the cabin you lived in, was it just you?" He asked softy. I nodded, "Yeah. My parents kicked me out when I was sixteen, because I refused to look for a husband unlike my sister who married one of the richest men in the village. I had built that cabin from scraps of a house that had burned down. I had looked for work as a maid or something but I intimidated many because I could read and write. Then my mentor found me curled up on the street, starving and freezing to death. He offered me an apprenticeship. He couldn't afford to pay me, but he could give me food and clothes. When he died he left his shop to me. The King took the money he had saved up, declaring it a tax for leaving the shop to someone not in his family." I watched as rage and sorrow swam in his eyes. "It wasn't pretty and I came close to death every winter, and by some miracle I managed to survive."

He smiled softly, "And now you will never be without." His voice was soft and tender. I returned his smile and we then fell into silence as I finished eating. Once I was done he took my hand, "Let's go have your first flying lesson."

After hours of working my muscles in my back to get used to flapping them. My muscles felt like they were on fire.  I had been given another room, this one meant for people with wings. The bathtub was large, like a small pond. I sunk to my chin in the relaxing bubbles. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. So much has happened in such little time. But I wouldn't change any of it. I went through a life of hell and now I have a life where I'm loved and welcomed. I won't take a single moment of what I have been given for granted. It was a gift I will always cherish.

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