Chapter 13

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I woke up wondering how I got to my bed. I wasn't coordinated to have walked here in my sleep so that meant I was carried. My shoes were on the floor by the bed. I got up and took a bath before getting dressed. I was lacing up my boots when the notepad Azia gave me glowed.

Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

I bit my lip and smiled softly, before replying. Aren't you supposed to be healing?

The reply came back instantly, I have my strength back. Besides I'll have one of the best nurses by my side.

My face heated, I would love to have dinner with you.

I will see you at sunset.

I had planned on working on my sword today, but I had slept most of the day so sun set wasn't that far from now. I was in my closet when Yinsy came in. "What are you doing?" She asked me. "I'm having dinner with Azia tonight, and I don't know what to wear." I told her.

She smiled and before she could say anything she hiccuped and purple bubbles came out of her mouth. "I'm pregnant." She announced. I squealed and hugged her, "I'm so happy for you." When a demon is pregnant their magic become uncontrollable because it's mixed with their child's meaning they gain some control. When we had shopped when I first arrived we saw a woman sneeze and her mate ended up covered in flowers. It was comical.

"How is Xan taking the news?" I asked her. "I was on my way to tell him when I heard you talking to Tessa." She said. "What are you still doing here then?" I pushed her out of my room and she laughed. We went to the training field where Xan was shirtless and sweaty as he trained with a few other guards.

Yinsy hiccuping bubbles caught his attention and he stopped. "Really?" He asked her. She smiled and hiccuped again. He hugged her and spun her around. She laughed before she kissed him. The training field erupted in applause and cheers. Xan put her down and gave her a fierce kiss, "You and I will be celebrating privately before we inform our families." He growled as he scooped her up into his arms before carrying her away.

"Have fun on your date with the King!" She yelled to me over his shoulder before she hiccuped more bubbles causing Xan to chuckle. I shook my head at them as they walked away. I hoped to be that happy with Azia. I got back to my room and continued to look through my clothes.

I finally settled on a black dress that was backless for my wings and tail, a split on one side of the skirt. It was long so I had no choice but to wear a pair of heels with it. I pinned my hair up and used a silver and diamond clip to keep it in place. I had just finished my hair when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Azia on the other side. He was wearing a crimson colored shirt that made his gold eyes even brighter. He seemed speechless as he looked me up and down. "Wow." He said breathlessly. My face felt hot as he continued to drink me in. Tessa slipped out of the room to probably go convince Unif to give her treats while we were gone. "Our carriage awaits." He said, holding his arm out to me. I took it and we left the palace together.

The ride in the carriage was in a comfortable silence, the both of us enjoying each other's presence. When we got to the restaurant I was blown away. It wasn't in a real building. It was under a large pavilion over looking a sparkling lake. A set of stairs leading under ground was where the food was cooked, allowing plenty of space for tables and dancing. A band played music on a small stage in a corner by the lake. Magic kept the snow out and everyone warm.

We were taken to a table where he pulled my chair out for me. I sat down as I gave him a smile. He sat down across from me and took my hand. "You really do look beautiful." He said. I'm going to need water to put out the fire if he kept this up. "I'm glad to see not all the clothes you own are dark." I teased. He chuckled, "I knew you'd like this."

I nodded, "I like it very much." I liked that he wore the bracelet I gave him, and I realized I hadn't seen him without it, except when he was fighting. He must've made it disappear so blood wouldn't get on it.

Food and wine was brought out to us, and it smelled amazing. The first bite I took melted in my mouth, lighting my taste buds on fire. He smiled, but didn't say anything as we ate. After we finished he took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers accidentally brushing his wings. He shivered and let out a soft groan that only I could hear. My face heated when I realized what that simple touch did to him. I didn't mean to, but he seemed to not mind it to much. "I'm sorry." I told him. "Don't be." He said his voice slightly husky, igniting a fire in my core. I looked into his gold eyes and saw lust and something else.

When we left the restaurant we decided to walk. Even though it was winter, tonight it was mild and allowed us to be alone a little longer. We came to a bakery and he lead me inside. My mouth watered at the sight of a lava cake. "One lava cake." Azia ordered from the baker as he paid. We sat at a table outside with two forks as we shared the cakes. "When is your birthday?" He asked me curiously. "Summer solstice." I told him. I was born on the longest day of the year but I much prefer the night time. "And you?" I asked him. "Winter solstice." He told me. The longest night of the year. I smacked his arm, "And you didn't tell me?" Annoyed his birthday had passed and he didn't tell me. He chuckled, "I'm over five hundred years old, I stopped celebrating a long time ago. You however will have your birthday celebrated every year." I crossed my arms, "We celebrate mine, then we celebrate yours too."  He smiled softly, "Just having you as my mate is the greatest gift I could ever ask for."

"Smooth words won't get you out of it." I managed. He chuckled, "Okay." We finished our cake before continuing our walk to the palace. It began snowing and the sight of him with flakes in his hair looked so sexy. I hadn't realized we had stopped walking until he pulled me to him. When his lips met mine sparks erupted between us, as if lightning had struck us. Instead of hurting, it made us want more. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. My tail wrapped around his leg, wanting him closer. We pulled away breathless, his forehead on mine. "I love you Raven." He whispered. I smiled my heart bursting with emotion, "I love you too Azia."

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