Chapter 7

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After King Dimo visited everyone has been tense. At least everyone was talking about something other than King Azia and I. No one has seen the King since he stormed out of the throne room. Unif informed me he has a big temper and goes to cool off so no one accidentally gets hurt, and that I shouldn't be worried. I wasn't worried, I just wanted to know where he went. Big difference.

"Let's go out and have some fun." Yinsy said eagerly, sitting across the work station as I worked on a hilt. "And be the third wheel? No thanks. Knowing you two, you'll probably leave me stranded so you two could come back and have sex." She scoffed, "We're not that bad." Unif scoffed, "Yeah okay."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Anyways, come on Raven, it'll be fun." I shook my head, "You two go out. I'll probably catch up the book I was reading." She stuck out her tongue, "Fine. I'll get you to come next time though, mark my words." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "So have you heard anything from your King?" She asked curiously.

My face felt like it was on fire, "He's not my King and no." "He's never been gone this long. I'm surprised he missed the Full Moon dinner that was cooked." She said. It had been amazing. Both Tessa and I went to bed feeling fat and happy that night. Unif shrugged, "King Dimo had never been so ballsy before. Next time though, he won't get away." Yinsy and I both agreed. The fury he had was enough to level the world.

That night I was in my room reading when there was a knock on my balcony doors. Curious I got up and went to see who it was. It was Azia. He scratched the back of his head nervously, "I'm sorry it's so late." I smiled, "It's fine." "I was out flying and I saw your light and I realized I had never asked how you were after the attack." He said, eyes down, as if he was ashamed of himself. "I was fine. I was worried about you actually." I confessed, looking down. "Me?" He asked shocked. "You had disappeared and I didn't know if you were okay. I care about you." I told him. It became tense then, neither of us knowing what to say or do.

"Here." He said, a small note pad and pen. "If you want to talk or a go away again, simply write in it and I'll get your message and I'll be able to reply." The notepad was small enough it would be able to fit into someone's pocket. I smiled softly, my face feeling hot, "Thank you." As I took it my eyes went to the bracelet I gave him. I don't know why but my heart fluttered at the sight of it on him.

"Goodnight Raven." He said before leaping into the air. I watched him fly away, clutching the notepad to my chest. I bit my lip and wrote down, Goodnight Azia. I watched the ink on the page disappear when I finished writing and smiled.

The next morning I woke up to Yinsy throwing open my bedroom door. "Get up and get dressed." She declared rather loudly. "Because tomorrow is a Blue Moon and there is a lot of preparation."

"A Blue Moon?" I asked her sitting up. "It's when there are two full moons during the same month. Mates who are found during the blue moon will have a stronger bond and are powerful." She explained. "Before you ask, yes the moon is actually blue. You can't see it from the human lands because of the border, but here it's really beautiful. They're rare and when they happen we have a ball to celebrate. Unfortunately it's short notice because no one knows it's going to happen until the day before when we can see the moon with the sun out. So come on, we need to find you a dress that will send out King airborne."

"Why would me impressing him matter if he has a mate?" I asked her crossing my arms. She rolled her eyes, "Just trust me." She pulled me up from my bed and shoved me into the bathing chamber. After washing I got dressed and she pulled me out of the room with a happy Tessa following us. "What about breakfast?" I asked her. "Later." She said and I groaned.

You would think by now she'd start bringing it with her when she comes to wake me up, but no. Instead she makes me starve. Life was so unfair.

She pulled me to a dress store and I sighed. She began picking out many different dresses for me to try on. Some were too sparkly, some were too feathery, some too poofy. Simple was my taste. She shoved me in a dressing room. "Gosh woman so abusive." I muttered. I looked through most of them until I found a pretty green one I liked. The dress was meant for a demon with wings, but I still found it looked great on me.

I opened the door and showed her. She smiled, "That is definitely the one." I changed back while she went to look for her dress for tonight. She decided to go for a black dress that Xan will probably rip off of her the second he sees her and from the grin she was wearing, that seemed to be the plan.

At the castle she rushed to the kitchen to help while I decided to go see Unif. "Hey girly. I saw your King flying around this morning." He told me. My face felt hot as I sat down, "He's not my King. He is the King." "Have you seen him?" Unif asked, ignoring what I had said. "I saw him last night. We talked on my balcony for a few minutes." I confessed. He smiled, "Anything more than talking happen?" "Does your mind ever leave the piss trap?" I asked him. He roared with laughter and I shook my head.

"So since you came to me later than usual I take it Yinsy took you out shopping for the ball tomorrow night." He asked. I nodded, "She did." He smiled, "It's rare we have balls but when we do, they're something to be seen." "When's the last time a ball was held?" I asked curiously, thankful the topic was away from the King and I. "Two centuries ago. We only have them during Blue Moons and when to celebrate the King mating with his Queen. It's been even longer since we had a ball celebrating a new Queen. I was just a boy during the last one when King Azia's mother became Queen. It was a sad day when she was killed." He said, a far away look in his eyes. "How did she die?" I asked him softly.

"It happened before the war. Azia's father had banned the owning of slaves, but he didn't enforce it. He only made the ban because his mate hated seeing humans treated horribly. One evening she tried helping some humans leave their abusive master, and he killed her, not realizing who she was. At the loss of his mate, the King had gone insane. He declared war on the slave owners to free the slaves since it was something his mate died trying to do. He blamed all slave owners for her death. The war had then morphed into something else. He had forgotten why were fighting in the first place but that didn't make it stop. It eventually lead to the border being put up so no demon could have a slave. After the war though, his insanity grew, taking it out on Azia and his siblings. Out of fear, his siblings left but Azia stayed to face his father. He killed him, and became King. His siblings were angered that he took the throne from under them so they refuse to ever come back." Unif shared with me.

It was so heartbreaking. The King was alone for reasons that weren't his fault. It just wasn't right. I cleared my mind of those sad thoughts and began to work, to keep myself busy. Tomorrow was the ball and I was very much looking forward to it.

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