Chapter 9

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King Azia's POV

When the attack started I ran from my room and leaped through the balcony doors. In three flaps I had caught up with them. They were Valki's. A breed of demon who's magic always caused chaos and mischief. A few blasts of my own magic had them falling into the lake. I used another blast to snare them and haul them back to the palace to be locked up until I can interrogate them. Now I needed to assess the damage.

"Raven?" I heard Yinsy call out. Panic set in and I flew towards Unif's work station. It was clear they were hit with a blast of magic. Xan's hair was pink, Unif's scales were changing colors, and Yinsy's horns were on her shoulders. I zapped them back to normal, "Where is Raven?" "We don't know. We were all standing here until we got hit." Yinsy explained. We heard Tessa yip at a bush. There in the bush were Raven's clothes and jewelry. Then I heard a meow of aggravation. I looked under the bush and saw a ruby colored kitten with emerald colored eyes. "Raven?" I asked. The kitten responded by rolling their eyes. I reached in and pulled her out, brushing her free of leaves. Yinsy burst into giggles, "She's so cute!" Raven growled at her in annoyance.

Yinsy gathered her clothes and I carried her back to her room. This was not how I wanted to see my mate undressed for the first time. I tried three times to turn her back, but nothing worked. "Maybe because she isn't a demon, it's not working." Yinsy suggested. That was a big possibility. It was nearly impossible to change a human back to how they were before getting hit by Valki magic. Usually the only changes are hair color or skin color, which most tend to live with. This was different. My mate was a kitten.

"There has to be something we can do." I muttered. Raven gave a huff until Tessa came over and gave her a big sloppy lick, that made the fluffy fur on one side of her face, drip and flatten. I grabbed a towel and dried her face. "I need to have a talk with the Valki, make sure nothing else happens to her." I told Yinsy before leaving the room.

I made my way through the palace until I got to the dungeon. The Valki smiled when they saw me. "You only come to see us if someone was changed and you can't fix them." One of them smiled. "My mate was turned into a kitten. So either you tell me how to fix her or I will kill you." They winced. "We didn't know your mate was hit your highness." One of them said with their head down. Usually their fun is simple pranks and mischief, and they never mean harm. "She's human?" The other asked. I nodded, "Well now she's a cat." "You know as well as we do, nothing can be done, unless she's a demon." The third said, looking sad.

I growled and walked away. I went to the library to try and figure out what could be done. Suddenly a ball of fur was in my lap. I looked down at my mate. Had I not chickened out during the first full moon we probably wouldn't be in this situation right now. I scratched her under her chin and she closed her eyes, purring. You've got to be kidding me, I thought. My mate is a fucking cat and she still turns me on. She curled up against my stomach, and I prayed she didn't stick her claws in my hard on.

Ever since I met her I've had to relieve myself with my hand which was something I had never done before in my five centuries of walking the this world. She was the only one who I ever saw as beautiful. I just prayed that the first night I take her, I don't embarrass myself.

Unif came in, "Any luck?" I shook my head, "Something they said keeps nagging at me though." "What did they say?" "That nothing can be done unless she's a demon." I repeated. Then realization slammed into me. "We would have to turn her into a demon for her to be able to no longer be a kitten." Unif concluded.

I picked her up out of my lap, "Raven, did you hear that?" She gave a nod. She seemed scared but I gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be with you the entire time." I told her. She gave a small nod and I carried her out of the library. When we got to the tower that lead to my room I leaped into the air to fly to the door of my room. Unif decided to stay on the ground floor so he wouldn't have to climb the thousands of stairs.

I placed her on my bed, then went to get the potion. I poured it into a small bowl, "Just drink this under the sheet." I told her. I placed the sheet over her and the bowl and waited in a chair. After a few minutes she began whining and whimpering.  The tiny form under the sheet began to get bigger, the kitten whimpers becoming that of a woman's. She was curled up in pain, wings suddenly sprouted from her back before they laid limp across the bed. She was panting as she laid there. I walked over to her and saw she still had cat ears on her head, emerald cat like eyes, and a tail sticking out from under the covers. I kissed the top of her head, "Its over now." I assured her. She fell asleep from exhaustion and I left the room so Yinsy could bring her something to wear. The cat features could be from when she was changed, or they could be what she would've looked like even if she hadn't been a cat. Either way, she still looked beautiful.

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