Chapter 19

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Azia's POV

When the smoke cleared Raven was no where to be seen. There was a demon with King Dimo's symbol on his chest, bleeding from a dagger wound. I grabbed him by his throat, slamming him into the wall, "Where is my mate?" He smirked, "He's got her now. Bitch deserves it after she stabbed me." He then began to seize up, foaming at the mouth. Effects of Shadow Bane. My smart beautiful mate laced her sword. I studied his wound, it was to small to be her sword. She must've had a dagger on her.

I dropped his corpse with a growl. Guards freed everyone from their bindings. "What are you going to do with us?" Her mother asked. "I should kill you for the way you treated my mate, but she still cares for you so I'll let you live. It's your choice if you want to stay or go back to your homes." I growled. "You'd let us stay?" Her mother asked shocked. "I don't have time for this, I have a mate to find."

I left the throne room. I heard feet running to catch up with me. I looked over my shoulder and saw the twins. "No way he left without her putting up a fight." Jansin said. "Probably had Nitetrate on him. Shit paralyzes instantly." Jurian said and I nodded. "She's light so taking her wouldn't be hard." Damn it all to hell! "How did no one see them when they left the palace?" "Everyone was too distracted by his men." Jansin said and I growled.

Yinsy, Xan, and Unif came rushing up to us, "What happened?" "Dimo took Raven." I growled. "I have to get her back." "You're not going alone." Jurian said. Unif nodded, "He's right, I'll meet you guys at the gate." He was then gone a second later. "What is your plan?" Xan asked me. "Follow the bond then wreck shit." I told him. Yinsy rolled her eyes, "What a great plan. While you're at it, add not dying to it." I growled and Xan stood in front of her. "Yinsy, please don't piss off the newly mated King."

She huffed and crossed her arms, tears in her eyes, "I'm just worried, who knows what he's doing to her." She was right, Dimo was psychotic when it came to touring his prisoners. He especially loved torturing female prisoners. Loved to make them scream and beg.

When we got to the gate Unif was waiting, a sword on his back, and a sword in his hand. He held it to me, "She made this for you. Wanted to wait till you were done with your frenzy as a mating gift." The hilt was made of a black metal, the hilt was a sun for the pommel. I pulled out the sword. It had a good weight to it. The blade was an ombre, starting as yellow then slowly becoming red at the tip. "She showed me some things about the sword, said she modeled it after hers. May I?" I handed him the sword and he pulled on the pommel. A dagger came out. "She lined the inside with Shadow Bane after crushing it with Sinjing to make it odorless." He explained. He held the sword out and I took it. He took a cloth to cover the blade on the dagger then twisted the pommel. "Inside the hilt is the annedote." He showed me the milky liquid. "The metal lining is Gopin, so it will never go bad." He put it back together and I slipped it into the scabard. My smart beautifully talented mate. I strapped the scabard to my back, ready to go save my mate. Tessa came running up to us, whining. I scratched under her chin, "

We were walking in the forest when suddenly fireballs were launched at us. We dove for cover behind trees. Tessa growled and charged forward. The screams only lasted a few seconds before she came back licking her muzzle. We continued to move forward.

We came a valley between the mountains, shrouded in dark mist. Tessa growled low as she crouched. I crept towards the mist but suddenly a wave of it shot towards me, burning my skin. I groaned and moved back and it receded to it's resting place. "The mountain doesn't really have any foot and hand holds for us to climb." Xan said as he studied the sides.

"We can try to blow it back." Jansin suggested. He and Jurian came forward and the mist attacked. They flapped their wings to blow it back but it was as if it was an actual being, and continued towards them. They leaped out of the way and landed where we were. "We'll fly up, see if there is another route we can take." Jurian said before they both leaped into the air. The mist tried following them up but when they reached a certain height it stopped. I waited impatiently for them to return.

When they landed, they were pale. "We have a problem. Dimo has a camp in the middle of the mist." Jurian said. "And you need to be prepared for when you get to her." I clenched my fists preparing myself for the worst. "They have her tied and exposed between two poles. Her wings have hooks in them, keeping her open for his torture devices." Jurian said and I felt sick. "He, and a line of eager men, are using her for their own pleasure." Jansin added in. Pure, deadly rage consumed me.

"Think you could drop me into the middle of the camp?" I asked them. The mist shouldn't attack with so many of them around. They nodded and grabbed me. Leaping into the air with me, I could see the state of my mate. She was covered in lacerations, bleeding profusely in some places. Her wings were shredded, making her unable to fly for a while, but it was her hands that enraged me. They were burned and the bones crushed. It would be a miracle if she was ever able to make another sword again. He took the one thing she loved to do from her, and that is unforgivable.

When they dropped me I shifted in mid air, my rage consuming me tenfold. I slashed my way through the camp killing everyone within my reach. When I got my hands on King Dimo I began to choke the life from him, enjoying the feel of him unable to breathe, of feeling him struggle to stay alive. When he died, his body morphed into one of his underlings. He had used a transfer spell to transfer his concsiousness and his looks to another, so he could be two places at once. This underling was only posing as Dimo, allowing Dimo to prepare himself on his island for war. I changed back and summoned a warm blanket for my mate. Jansin and Jurian helped me free her, and as we worked to untie her, the mist disappeared. I held her in my arms, holding her close. Jansin grabbed her sword and tiara from the ground.

We walked out of the camp, Xan and Unif waiting for us. "So when do we go to war?" Unif asked me. He wasn't asking if we were, but when. "We prepare now." I looked down at her. Her face was bruised, her lip busted. I should've killed Dimo years ago when he first became a problem. I won't make that mistake again.

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