"This is insane! This is insane! This is insane!" Bartholomew yelled as he ran in a circle.
"The snake isn't attacking you!" Benjamin called.
Bartholomew didn't hear. He threw his arms in the air and ran in the circle. Patches laughed but didn't stop fighting against Beatrix. Bartholomew felt the bugs crawl all over his body. The legs inched across his bare skin. Buzzing around his ears and felt sharp pains every now and then. He began to scream even louder.
"Bugs! Bugs!" Bartholomew yelled. "Get them off me! Help!"
"Bartholomew? There aren't any bugs." Bentley said.
"I feel all their legs," Bartholomew said as he started to slap his body.
"How do you see bugs? I see snakes!" Bentley yelled as he jumped around.
"You both are seeing stuff!" Bj exclaimed.
Bartholomew saw someone at the corner of his eye. He turned and saw that person running away. He narrowed eyes and chased the stranger. Long red hair flew behind the person almost making Bartholomew lose his footing. Bartholomew let out a long string of curse words.
The person stopped running and stood in the middle. Bartholomew formed his hockey stick getting himself to defend himself. The person turned around to reveal Sandy. Bartholomew gritted his teeth as he looked at her. She smiled and wiggled her fingers, allowing black mist to form.
The black mist twisted and turned as it took different forms. Bartholomew noticed that it's turning into different types of bugs. His hands tighten against the hockey stick. Sandy sighed as blew her bangs back.
"Sometimes it's just too easy," Sandy said.
"What are you talking about?" Bartholomew snapped.
"Your fear. I can feel it changing, can't you?"
"No, I'm still scared of those death crawlers. Also known as bugs."
Sandy rolled her eyes, "You still are. But you're also scared of something else."
Bartholomew didn't answer because of black mist surrounded him. He let out a scream but stopped once he saw Python. Slowly he felt the fear left his body. Python held out his hand for him to grab, Bartholomew gladly did so. Python smiled but Bartholomew saw blood coming from his neck. The blonde screamed out his boyfriend's name but Python let go of his hand.
The black mist ripped away from Bartholomew, taking his breath with him. Bartholomew gasped as he landed on his knees. Tears still running down his face. He looked over at Sandy, who is smirking, and threw his hand forward. Sand shot forward cutting her cheek. Sandy scream out in pain before glaring at him.
"Did you forget that I can make you see your worst fear? I can make you see that over and over again!" Sandy yelled. "I can make you see so much worst."
Bartholomew didn't say anything. Instead, he spat on the ground right near her shoes. Sandy let out a disgusted sound. She snapped her fingers for the black mist to surrounded Bartholomew. The blonde mentally prepared himself to see Python's death but it never came. Instead, he was body slammed into the tree. Arms wrapped around his body.
Usually, he would get scared or nervous but he knew these arms. He has fallen asleep in these arms over hundreds of times. Bartholomew buried his face in Python's chest. The two held on to each other tight as the mist tighten around them. Python put his lips right next to Bartholomew's ear.
"Bentley should be on his way," Python whispered.
"Don't let go," Bartholomew said.
The mist turned into water. The waves started to crash on them, barely allowing them time to breathe. Python grip tightens from fear. His face buried against Bartholomew's neck and let out small whispers of prayers. Bartholomew tried to calm him down but Python didn't listen. Or he couldn't hear the blonde.
The water dropped on top of them. Bartholomew gasped as he looked around. He saw Bast foot on Sandy's back and glaring down. Beatrix rushed over to help him stand up. Python grip loosens as he rolled on his side. Bartholomew's eyes met with Bentley but Bentley looked behind them. Bartholomew looked behind and saw two kids running.
"Who's that?" Benjamin asked.
Python looked down, "Ethan and I running through the fields. We wanted to run away and we thought we did but it was a test. A big fat dumb test."
"What happened?" Bartholomew asked.
Bartholomew didn't get an answer because he started to run towards the two kids. He stopped behind the tree but peek his head out. Bj and Benjamin are right behind him but he could care less. Bartholomew had to catch himself from aweing over child Python. He slapped himself to focus.
The children laughed as they ran around. Ethan had a stick in his hand as he waved it in the air. Python is running but with a yellow snake wrapped around his waist and neck. He didn't look scared or seem to be choking. He looks safe with Pegasus wrapped around his neck. Python giggled and stopped running.
Python looked over at the tree that Bartholomew is hiding behind. Bartholomew duck behind the tree. He heard Python calling for him to come out. Bartholomew didn't. Ethan called out for Python to come on.
"Python stop yelling at nothing!" Ethan yelled.
"I saw something there," Python called back.
"You're seeing things? Not sure if that is healthy."
"Ethan? Is it possible to have two different blue eyes?"
"Like two different shades. One light and other dark."
"I guess so. I'm not so sure, Python."
"I think it's very pretty."
Ethan sighed, "Come on, brother. We gotta get something to eat."
Bartholomew peek out the tree. His eyes locked on Python running to catch up with Ethan. Pegasus head raised to look at him. Bartholomew waved at the snake with a smile. She didn't make any move to show him that she knows him. Bartholomew should've guessed that. He sighed as he turned back and jumped once he saw Python.
Python smiled, "I still think they are pretty."
"Thanks," Bartholomew said.
Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to give you guys something sweet before getting into the dark stuff. Next chapter will answer the question about Bj!!! So tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!
Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ticking Time Trouble (PpgzxRrbz Kids) |Book 4|
FanficThe teens thought they went through the worst. Saving their parents, town and winning the relay race. But now they are doing the most unspeakable: Time Travel. They have all the questions to be answered but they seem to learn more about their fellow...