Beatrix stared at her cousins with confusion. Benjamin is trying to keep Zoey in place. Bast is trying to get Bj to say something. Anything. Bentley is smiling at an empty space. Beatrix is actually glad to see Bentley smiling. Bartholomew and Python are holding onto each other with a hushed quick talk.
She took a look at Zoey. It shocked her to see how close they look alike. If they stood next to each other then Zoey and her would be twins not Benjamin and her. Beatrix wanted to believe that this is all a dream but she knows better.
Being a daughter of a Ruff and Puff means she has to go through things like this. Even if she thinks it's crazy to believe that time travel is possible.
"What are we going to do?" Beatrix asked.
Zoey rolled her eyes, "What do you think Princess? You guys are gonna ask me questions, duh."
Benjamin tighten his grip against Zoey's wrist, putting the coldest ice against them. Zoey hissed from the sudden pain.
"Be nice or I'll ice your mouth." Benjamin hissed.
"Stupid older brother instincts. You wouldn't be so protective if you knew what is going to happen, now would you?" Zoey teased. "Someone is going to betray you. Someone very close to y'all. I hope that you are ready."
"Who?" Beatrix asked.
"Now if I said that then where is the drama?" She sang.
"You think it's funny? This is serious!"
"Whatever. Listen here, darling, I can tell whenever someone is lying and change my appearance. But we have someone who can tell the future with us. Anika always gets the best." Zoey said as she leaned forward. "Wouldn't you like to know your future?"
"No." Beatrix lied.
Zoey laughed, "Lies. Lies. Lies! You want to know that it's burning through your stomach. I can tell you if you want me too. All you have to do is ask."
"How do we know if you're not lying?" Bast asked.
"Figure someone would ask that. Take me to Python's homeland and you will know." Zoey said.
"No! You are not going near my people." Python said.
Bentley turn back to look at Zoey, "I can tell. Did you forget I read minds?"
"Of course I haven't, Bentley. I also have forgotten how I can trick you. You see, Anika warned us about you. She knows how to take you down even if she would slice your throat if you do it in front of her." Zoey said.
"And how would you do that?" Bentley asked.
"Maine." Zoey whispered.
The air went silent. Beatrix turned to look at Bentley. She watched the blonde's knees buckle and fell down. Tears ran down his face. Zoey giggled from next to her. Bentley covered his eyes as if to block away the thoughts. Nothing did. Beatrix and the others watched helplessly at Bentley falling apart.
"Stop it, you witch!" Bartholomew yelled as a wave of sand hit Zoey.
Zoey spit out the sand from her mouth. She glared at Bartholomew and opened her mouth. Benjamin reached forward and froze her mouth shut. Beatrix rushed towards Bentley grabbing his arms. Bentley looked up at her with sad blue eyes.
Beatrix brushed back his long blonde hair. Bentley looked behind him to the same empty place. Beatrix wanted to ask what is so special about that place. Instead, she helped her cousin to his feet.
"Are you okay?" Beatrix asked.
He nodded, "Yeah."
"What did you see?"

Ticking Time Trouble (PpgzxRrbz Kids) |Book 4|
FanficThe teens thought they went through the worst. Saving their parents, town and winning the relay race. But now they are doing the most unspeakable: Time Travel. They have all the questions to be answered but they seem to learn more about their fellow...