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Clary laughed, a sound that echoed through the Institute hallway as she walked beside Jace.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" Clary said.

"Clary, Shadowhunters don't do Christmas. We celebrate the seasons but we don't do Christmas." Jace said. Clary sighed.

"Well this year you are! Come on! I love Christmas more than any other holiday! Please!" Clary begged. She grabbed his hand and looked at him.

"I'll talk to Isabelle and Alec." Jace said. Clary smiled and kissed him on the cheek gently.

She was learning to control the heavenly fire and it was proving more difficult then either her or Jace had anticipated. She looked at her phone and sighed.

"Damn it, I'm late." She sighed.

"For?" Jace asked.

"My session with Zoe." Clary said.

Zoe Monteverde was new in New York and one of the only Shadowhunters who was qualified to help Clary control her heavenly fire. They met 4 times a week and Zoe would run exercises to help Clary. So far they had been successful, but Clary still was struggling.

"Where are you guys meeting?" Jace asked. Clary sighed.

"The training room." Clary said.

"Well then, I get the pleasure of walking you there." Jace said. Clary grabbed his hand and he smiled.

"You've been getting better. I'm proud of you." Jace said softly. Clary smiled.

"Thank you. Now come on! I'm already late!" Clary said, running down the hall with Jace's hand in hers.


"Try to calm the waves." Zoe said. They were sitting in the dark, and Zoe had a wave soundtrack playing quite loudly.

"How exactly does this help?" Clary asked, growing frustrated.

"The hope is that if you can calm the waves, you can calm the fire." Zoe said.

"Okay, except it's a prerecorded soundtrack. It can't be calmed." Clary said. Zoe sighed and laughed.

"Just try it!" Zoe said.

"Okay, okay!" Clary said. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tried to calm the wave soundtrack.

Light flooded the room and Clary opened her eyes.

"Hey Evan!" Zoe said.

Evan Pontmercy was Zoe's boyfriend. He was working with Isabelle as the weapons master. Clary liked him but she wasn't sure if he felt the same. He didn't talk very much and when he did, it was short sentences.

Evan smiled at Clary when he walked into the room and went straight to Zoe.

"How much longer do you think you'll be?" Evan asked.

"Session just started. At least another hour." Zoe said.

"Okay, because the Inquisitor called an emergency meeting soon and-"

"We can change the date if that's okay with you Clary." Zoe said. Clary nodded.

"Absolutely. Do you know what the meeting is about?" Clary asked. Evan shook his head and Jace walked in.

"Babe. Come on, emergency meeting." Jace said. Clary looked at him and got off the floor.

"So how about we pick this up later tonight?" Zoe asked.

"I can't tonight. I've got plans." Clary said.

"No Clary, it's okay. We can reschedule." Jace said. Clary looked at him.

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