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Clary had been walking for what felt like hours. The smooth green floor under her feet had turned into black pitch that stuck to her feet with every step. Jace's hand had slipped into hers at some point and she held it tightly.

"Do you guys hear that?" Evan whispered.

"Hear what?" Isabelle asked.

"There's something moving on the ceiling." Evan said softly.

Witchlights were grabbed and light flooded the tunnel. There was a human scream and something fell to the floor. Clary knelt down in front of it and gasped. It was a human boy about 16. He had blonde hair and slightly pointed ears.

"Mark?" She asked. The boy looked up at her.

"How do you know my name?" He asked.

"You're Mark Blackthorn, aren't you?" Clary asked gently. Mark nodded.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Clary. These are my friends. Mark, what are you doing here?" Clary asked.

"Sebastian. He took me from my Institute and brought me here. He gave me to Gwyn. Said because I was part Faerie that he didn't want me and it was Gwyn's decision what happened to me. He made me a member of the Wild Hunt." Mark explained. Clary looked at Jace.

"How long have you been here?" Jace asked. Mark shrugged.

"I don't know. Time is different here. How are my siblings?" Mark asked. Clary looked at Jace who nodded.

"Your brothers and sisters are all alive. They're in Idris right now." Zoe explained. Mark looked at Clary.

"They're alive?" Mark asked weakly. Clary nodded.

"They're all alive. They're in Idris." She said.

"And Emma? What about Emma?" He asked desperately.

"Emma is okay. She's with them. They're all living at the Consul's house with Aline and Helen. Everyone's fine." Clary reassured him. Mark nodded and Jace turned to her.

"Clary, he should get back before anyone notices he's gone." He whispered. Clary looked at the boy in front of her and nodded.

"Here, take this." She said. She pressed her witchlight into his hands. The light flickered for a moment before regaining its brightness.

"Now go. Be careful." She said. Mark nodded and they both stood. Clary grabbed both his shoulders and she hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." Mark whispered. Clary nodded and let go. She watched as Mark ran down the tunnel, the witchlight becoming a tiny dot of light.

"Come on. We still have a ways to go!" Zoe said, leading the way. Clary looked at Jace who nodded and followed Zoe into the darkness.


Clary was in a field. It was sunny, and the grass was dotted with wildflowers of different colours. In the distance, a large house stood.

"It's the Fairchild Manor." A tiny voice in her head whispered soothingly.

Clary started walking towards the house and heard laughter as she got closer.


She looked up and saw her mother and Luke standing on a balcony.

"What do you think kiddo?" Luke asked, pointing to something in the distance.

Clary followed his finger and saw a gazebo that had been elegantly decorated.

"It looks beautiful. What's it for?" She asked.

Before anyone could answer, there was a childish scream of delight.


Clary walked towards the sound and saw a small girl with flaming red hair being flipped around by a boy with white blonde hair.

"That's your sister and brother. Your sister Valeria, named after Valentine Morgenstern, the hero of the Mortal War. And your brother Jonathan. He has always and will always love you." The voice was back, whispering soothing assurances in the back of Clary's mind.

"Clary!" Valeria had seen Clary and ran towards her.

"Your dress is pretty." Valeria said matter of factly. Clary looked down and saw the simple dress she was wearing. She smiled and touched Valeria's hair.

"Thank you." Clary said. Valeria ran off and Jonathan looked at her.

"What's happening today?" Clary asked. Jonathan chuckled and looked at something over Clary's shoulder.

She spun around and saw Jace standing behind her. She instantly ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Wow, someone's excited!" Jace said chuckling. Clary hugged him tighter and Jace gently pulled her off.

"So are you excited?" Jace asked.

"For what?" Clary asked. Jace smiled at her and the world started to crumble.

"No, no, Jace!" Clary cried, reaching for him.

Jace's mouth transformed into several tentacles and Clary screamed as the entire world fell into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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