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"We're staying at Amatis' house?" Clary asked.

"Yeah. Is that okay?" Jace asked, putting their stuff in the kitchen. Clary wrapped her arms around herself.

"If it wasn't for me she'd still be here." Clary said softly.

"No, Clary it's not your fault." Jace said, hugging her.

"Yes it is! I came here the night of the... that night, and I kidnaped her. Oh my god, Jace this whole thing is my fault!" Clary said. Tears were streaming down her face. Jace looked at her.

"Clary look at me." Clary didn't move. "Look at me Clary."

Clary looked up at him and he kissed her.

"None of this is your fault. This is all Sebastian's fault. You didn't do anything." Jace soothed.

"The Consul thinks differently. She already hated me because I'm Valentine's daughter, now she hates me even more because I was working with Sebastian." Clary said softly. Jace kissed her again.

"Baby, please don't cry. It's not your fault. Come on, I'll get you something to drink." Jace said.

Clary sighed through her tears as Jace helped her get her coat off. She took her shoes off and followed Jace into the kitchen. He put the kettle on and turned to her. He led her into the living room and sat her on the couch, crouching in front of her.

"You're exhausted. You need a nice rest. Maybe a hot shower. And something warm to drink. You sit, I'm making you tea." Jace said. Clary nodded as Jace walked back into the kitchen.

She looked around the room and felt more tears run down her face. Jace came into the room with a mug a few minutes later and handed it to her. Clary took a sip and put it on the side table. He sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Try and get some sleep baby. You've had a long day and tomorrow is gonna be long too." Jace said softly.

Clary reached over and grabbed her tea again, drinking more of it. She ran her finger around the rim and sighed.

"What are you thinking?" Jace asked.

"How if I hadn't taken Amatis, she'd still be here." Clary said softly. Jace kissed her temple and sighed.

"You did nothing wrong. There was nothing you could do to stop Sebastian. Please don't beat yourself up over this love." Jace begged. Clary took another drink from her tea and sighed.

"I feel like I did something." She said.

"You didn't Clary. You've done nothing wrong. Everything that happened, happened while you were possessed. The Consul can't blame you for that." Jace said.

Clary finished her tea and rested her head on Jace's chest. She heard his heart beating steadily and she sighed.

"Try and get some sleep Clary. You've had a long day. Tomorrow is going to be long too." Jace said. Clary nodded and closed her eyes.

She heard Jace humming what sounded like a lullaby under his breath and smiled. Jace kissed the top of her head and she fell asleep.


"C'mon babe! We'll be late!" Jace called. Clary came out of the bedroom, untucking her hair from inside her jacket.

"Why are we going?" She asked.

"A meeting to discuss what's happened. The Consul is listening to the Blackthorn kids version of what happened. It's important for a group of us, you and I in particular, to be there." Jace explained.

"Why us?" Clary asked.

"Because. We were with Sebastian when his army was made. We know what happened the best." Jace explained. Clary nodded.

"I see." She said softly. Jace looked at her.

"You're not in any trouble. No one is. Don't worry." Jace said. Clary took a deep breath and pulled her boots on.

"Whatever, lets just go." Clary said. Jace grabbed her hand and they left.


"Six Institutes have been attacked. Six. We can't just stand by anymore! We have to fight back!"

"And what do you suppose we do? They're unstoppable."

"Surely the warlocks at the Spiral Labyrinth can reverse it." Someone yelled.

"It can't be reversed," Clary said. "Sebastian designed it so that the effects can't be reversed. He's planning on wiping all of us out."

No one said anything.

"What do we know about the Infernal Cup?" Someone asked.

"The Blackthorn children were present during the last attack. They witnessed what happened and are willing to testify." The Consul said.

Clary watched as six children were brought into the room. The oldest girl had blonde hair while all the other children had dark hair. The blonde haired girl was holding the hand of a little girl who looked about 8. The oldest dark haired boy was holding a small boy who looked around 3.

The blonde girl was handed the smallest boy and the older dark haired boy stood in front of the crowd. The Consul handed him the Mortal Sword and Clary grabbed Jace's arm.

"Wait, they're not going to-"

"Please state your name." The Consul said.

"J-Julian Blackthorn." Julian's face was twisted in pain.

"And who are the people behind you Julian?" The Consul asked.

"That's my sister Livvy, my brother Ty, my sister Dru, and my baby brother Tavvy. And my best friend Emma." Julian said.

"Can you tell us what happened when Sebastian entered the Los Angeles Institute?" The Consul asked.

"Katerina, our tutor, and my big brother Mark heard something downstairs. They went to go see what it was and told us to stay here. We heard Katerina scream and so I told Emma to go and get Dru and Tavvy, they were in the nursery."

"Julian! Stop it! Leave him alone!" Emma yelled.

"Em, it's fine." Julian said. "I took Ty and Livvy into the office to call the Clave."

"Leave him alone! If you're going to question anyone it should be me! I saw him Turn Mr Blackthorn! I threw my knife at him. I saw him not die!" Emma yelled.

"That will be all Mr Blackthorn. Miss Carstairs. Can you tell us what you saw?" The Consul asked.

"You won't need to give me the Mortal Sword. I have no reason to lie. I went to get Tavvy and Dru and I saw him. Katerina had a knife to Mr Blackthorn's throat and Sebastian shoved the cup in between his lips and said 'Now drink from the Infernal Cup' and made him drink. I gave Tavvy to Dru and told her to run to the office and tell Julian. Then I took the sword off my belt and threw it at him and hit him in the heart." Emma said.

"Is there any chance you missed his heart?" The Consul asked.

"I don't miss." Emma said, looking offended. The Consul nodded.

"Then what happened?" The Consul asked.

"Sebastian took the knife out of his heart and said only a heavenly weapon could kill him. Then one of the Endarkened chased me to the office. I found Julian and rest of them and we went through the Portal." Emma said.

"Is that everything?" The Consul asked.

"Yes. That's everything." Emma said. She ran out of the room and Clary stood up.

"Clary, What are you doing?" Jace asked.

"Going after her." Clary said and she took off running behind Emma.

A/N: Happy Turkey Day to all my Canadian readers!


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