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"No. You two aren't going alone." Isabelle said. Jace sighed and Clary looked at Zoe.

"Zo. You understand why we have to do this." Clary said.

"Izzy is right Clary. You two aren't going to a demonic realm alone. We're coming with you." Zoe said.

"No. You're not." Clary said.

"Yes we are." Zoe snapped.

"Zoe you are not coming with us. You are staying here." Clary said, her voice getting louder.

"Why the hell are you going? To change people's opinion?" Zoe asked.

"No. I'm going to end this once and for all. I thought you of all people would understand." Clary snapped.

"Understand why you're willing to die to stop your brother? No not really." Zoe said. Clary looked at her.

"I am trying to end what I started. I'm going to Edom without you. That's final." Clary said before walking away. Isabelle walked after her.

"Clar, you can't believe this is what's right." Isabelle said.

"It feels like what's right." Clary said.

"By leaving everything behind and going on some mad hunt for your brother? That can't possibly be the right thing." Isabelle said.

"Well it feels more right than sitting here waiting. I can't keep waiting Iz. I've been waiting for something to happen for so long. Since I got back from being under his control. I've been waiting for months. I can't wait anymore for him to do something. I need to stop this once and for all." Clary said. Isabelle grabbed her hand.

"This isn't just between you and him anymore. This is between him and the entire Shadow World. You're not alone in this fight." Isabelle said. Clary sighed.

"Yes I am." She said before letting go of Isabelle and walking away.


"There you are." Jace said. Clary sighed and continued drawing.

"They're all worried about you." He said.

"I know." Clary said shortly.

"Maybe go talk to them." Jace suggested .

"No. I don't want to." Clary said.

"Clar, they just want to help."

"And for the first time since I got back from being kidnaped, I feel like I don't need help." Clary said. Jace looked at her.

"You know it's okay to ask for help. And Zoe and Izzy want to help you." Jace said.

"I have relied on Zoe and Isabelle and you and Alec for everything since I got back. I don't need Zoe to hold my hand for this." Clary said, growing frustrated.

"Look, I know you don't think you need her help but she's smart and she's fierce and she's willing to fight by your side." Jace said.

"I don't want anyone else to get hurt!" Clary said. Jace was silent.


"I don't... I can't have anyone else getting hurt. Please Jace. You have to let me go alone. You'll be safe. You'll all be safe." Clary said.

"I thought we agreed that we were both going." Jace said. Clary put her sketchbook down and walked towards Jace. She grabbed his hands.

"I can't have you getting hurt. I won't ever forgive myself if something happens to you. Please. Please stay." Clary begged. Jace shook his head.

"Wherever you go, I'll be right by your side." Jace said softly.

"I don't want you to get hurt." Clary breathed.

"I won't." Jace said. Clary nodded.

"We should bring the others." Jace said.

"What? No! I'm already putting you at risk!" Clary said.

"Think about it. If we have Alec, Isabelle, Zoe, and Evan, we could be unstoppable." Jace said. Clary sighed and touched Jace's cheek.

"You're right." She said softly.

"I know I am." He said.

"I want this to be over."

"I know baby, I do too."


"You can come." Clary said.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"You can come to Edom. I don't like it. But Jace is right. If we have 6 people, we have better odds. You and Evan and Alec and Isabelle can come." Clary said. Zoe smiled and hugged her.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier." Zoe said. Clary nodded.

"I know. I am too. I just can't have any more innocent people getting hurt because of me." Clary said.

"Clary, this isn't your fault. I know Jace has told you this multiple times, but it really isn't your fault." Zoe said. Clary sighed.

"It feels like it is." Clary said.

"Look. I don't know what you're going through. But I'm here for you. Okay? Whenever you need it. I'm here." Zoe said. Clary nodded.

"I know you are." Clary said.

"So when do we leave?" Zoe asked.

"We have one more day before Sebastian comes to collect Jace and I. We leave tomorrow. So we need to pack and plan tonight. Get Alec, Isabelle, and Evan and meet at Jace and I's house at 7. This is going to finally end." Clary said. Zoe nodded. Jace walked towards them and Zoe smiled.

"Hey." She said. Jace smiled.

"I'm assuming you're all caught up?" Jace asked.

"Yup. We leave tomorrow." Zoe said. Jace nodded and wrapped an arm around Clary's shoulders.

"How do we get to Edom?" Zoe asked.

"We don't exactly know. I think there's an old Seelie story though. We might be able to figure it out." Jace said. Zoe looked at Clary.

"Let me get this straight. You don't know how to get there, don't know if Sebastian is actually there, don't know what your plan is, and do we have a definite way back?" Zoe asked.

"Well no..." Clary said.

"Have you thought about any of this?" Zoe asked.

"I came up with this idea yesterday. Alec is the oldest of all of us. He must know something." Clary said.

"And if he doesn't?" Zoe asked.

"Well... then we figure it out. The point is, we're not letting Sebastian hurt another Shadowhunter." Clary said.

"But you don't have a plan, or a way there, or a way of knowing if he's there, or a way back." Zoe said.

"Well is that going to stop you from coming!" Clary asked.

"Hell no."

Hi guys! Just a lil PSA, I have another Clace book called Fly With Me, and I'd really love it if you checked it out!

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