xxii. | real life

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"you look gorgeous," was the first thing he had said, his tone as if he was at lost for words. arisa had blushed, muttering her thanks. "shall we go, my lady?" tom asked, holding out a hand and exaggerating his british accent. "why yes we shall, my kind sir," arisa jokingly answered back, taking his hand which made tom grin.

tom brought the two of them to a romantic restaurant called the pavilion which was located not too far away from their apartment building. the restaurant was quite dim, only a chandelier and a few candles illuminating the place. soft music was playing in the background, and couples, families, and businessmen were seated around, looking their absolute best for the night.

the evening was spent in conversations, laughter, and eating. they both talked more about their childhood, their dreams, the experiences they'll never forget, they just took some time getting to know each other more than they ever have. their conversations weren't forced- they flowed, without anyone even having to guide it or none of them being aware of the twists and turns it would take. they no longer worried of what the other would think, they just spoke and it felt right.

after their dinner, tom and aris went out to the city, their faces showed nothing but pure happiness.

however, aris suddenly halted into a stop, her eyes widening as she spotted the mini gelato parlour. tom laughed at the girl's expression. "you want some?" he questioned, gesturing to the small store. aris rolled her eyes before raising an eyebrow. "is that still even a question?" tom grinned at the girl's answer before leading her towards the shop.

"good evening, welcome to swirl station-," the girl behind the counter greeted before her mouth was left hanging open. she looked about 18-19, possibly a student in university. the girl obviously knew who they were, judging by her star-struck expression. "holy shit, i'm in the fucking presence of fucking tom and arisa, what the fuck?" it seemed like her words were intended to herself but tom and arisa had obviously heard, due to their light chuckles.

"i am so sorry about that and- woah," the girl's eyes wandered, looking at their attires. "sorry if this is considered intruding but are you two together? you both look absolutely great with each other." again, they laughed.

arisa shook her head, muttering a 'no'. tom looked at her, a goofy grin on his lips. "not yet," he corrected her. arisa rolled her eyes, slapping his arm. the girl working watched the couple-but-not-really in amusement.

"sorry again for the questions. anyways, what can i get you two?" arisa and tom both stated their orders to the girl before saying their goodbyes once their deserts have been served and paid for.

the two finished their gelato quickly and were on their way back to the building they were staying in when tom noticed arisa slightly slowing down.

being the caring person he is, he questioned arisa if there was anything wrong to which arisa just shook her head. "no, nothing's wrong. my feet are just starting to sore, suppose it's the consequence of wearing heels all night long." tom thought for a moment before looking down at arisa. "alright, how about this. you take off your shoes and i could carry you on my back for the rest of the walk?"

and with that, tom walked with arisa on his back, his hands on the back of her thighs and hers around his neck.

so there's the lame part one of the date

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so there's the lame part one of the date. part two will hopefully be slightly better

 part two will hopefully be slightly better

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DARLIN' ,  tom holland Where stories live. Discover now