lxxviii. | real life

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the party was in full swing by the time that they had arrived at the venue. everyone present had smiles adorning their faces, clearly overjoyed and relieved since the moment that arisa and tom were announced as mr. and mrs. holland.

the evening was kicked off with the guests chatting up with one another and having a good time before the reception was formally started. it was during that time that arisa and tom were able to enter, showing off equally massive grins that were bright enough to light up the room. the newly weds had their first dance as a married couple where all eyes were on them.

it wouldn't be a lie to say that there were still a few teary eyed individuals once the music began and the lights started to dim. people couldn't help themselves but gush about how perfect the two were and andrew xaviers was right— you could already see how much chemistry the two had between them just by the way they danced.

after the special number, the event continued on with the couple's welcoming speech, thanking everyone who was in attendance. they took their time expressing how happy they were that the people they cared about the most were all there— even their marvel cast mates— a few people were whispering once their eyes landed on robert downey jr. however, none of them were really surprised, considering that both tom and arisa treated the man as a father figure back then and until now.

once dinner was served and most of the guests were finished with their plates, the toasts began, starting off with the best man chosen for that occasion.

"hello, ladies and gentlemen, i'm harrison and i was chosen to be tom's best man tonight. or i was the best he could do. or i was just the only one that would agree to it. but before i begin my duty to give tom an uncomfortable, embarrassing few minutes, i want to say thank you for coming out here and celebrating tonight," harrison began his speech, "a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. if i had a pound every time tom would come to me fanboying about arisa, i'd probably be a millionaire right now. i reckon they've been in love with each other for so long, you'd think they've been married since the beginning of time.

i know the best man's speech is known for throwing out some of the most embarrassing aspects of the groom's past. funny stories from the younger days, why he turned out the way he is, how he changed a million times just to pick up arisa at the airport and meet her for the first time— true story, by the way. the lad wouldn't sit still, i thought he was going mad. at this point in time, i'm quite surprised that arisa still chose to marry him but i suppose there are a few simple reasons.

one is that when tom loves, he loves hard. there's nothing this lad wouldn't do for anyone, he just has a big heart like that. i've teased him endlessly throughout our whole friendship, about how he'd do anything for anyone, however and whenever he can. he'll be with you through thick and thin, even in the darkest of times. i've seen tom in some of his worst, when he felt like he was going to lose arisa, is an example. it hurt not only him but everyone else because you could see how miserable they are without one another. i've never believed in the one or that there's one person made perfectly for you but seeing the two of them, i started to believe.

tom's a crazy man who has the tendency of making decisions that lead to funny stories including his stupidity but tonight, i'd like to focus on the smart moves he's made. his friendships, his relationship with his family, his career, it's all a reflection of who he's become. but really, the smartest move he's made by far is marrying arisa."

the crowd laughed and started to clap but harrison wasn't done quite yet.

"tom, take arisa's hand and place your hand over hers," harrison instructed, earning a puzzled look from the crowd and a suspicious expression from tom but did as he had asked, waiting for him to continue on. "remember this moment and cherish it because this will be the last time you'll ever have the upper hand. arisa, you are a wonderful woman who deserves a wonderful husband. and i won't stop until i get to the bottom of what's happened here but for now, let's toast to the bride and groom, i wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and success!"

tom was dumbfounded, glaring at his best mate in a playful manner which the best man laughed at. however, their silent bullying was interrupted once gwen stood up to begin her speech.

"in case of the unfortunate circumstance that you don't know who i am, my name is gwen. arisa and i have been best friends since high school. when arisa asked me to be her maid of honor, i felt flattered. but then she told me that i had to prepare a speech and give a toast and i wanted to say no and find ways to get out of it but have you ever tried saying no to arisa and succeeded? no.

i wanted to tell you both how absolutely amazing you two look today, i don't think i've ever seen a better looking couple— except for maybe harrison and myself.

arisa, you're practically my sister, my partner in crime, my best friend in the entire world... even if you never share even just a bite of your food with me. tom, i'm warning you now, when she feeds you that wedding cake, you better savor it because it'll be the last time she ever share a dessert with you.

but all joke aside, i would like to say that arisa and tom are like two puzzle pieces that just fit so perfectly with one another. it's as if a picture wouldn't be complete if they weren't together. tom makes arisa the happiest, happier than pizza and a movie night does— which is a pretty big thing.

arisa's journey in being a woman was a long one. it became complicated, full of twists and turns. but i saw how she and tom talked about everything. how they compromised, how they tried to understand each other. their relationship is just so beautiful, and it's definitely not something that all couples have. and that's what makes them so special. here's to the bride— may she share everything with her husband," gwen glanced at the couple with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "and that includes housework."

"those two are so perfect for each other, it both annoys and amuses me," arisa laughed once her best friend had taken her seat. the man sitting beside her sighed, leaning back on his chair. "is it bad that i kind of regret helping you in setting them up?"

arisa smiled at tom, giggling at his expression. "hey, you can get them back at their wedding. won't be too long until it happens, i think harrison is planning to pop the question sometime soon. however, tonight is our night. don't think too much about your revenge on haz or i'll feel very, very cheated on."

"i'll never replace you for that wanker, darling, you don't need to worry," tom chuckled, kissing aria's knuckle. "you better not or you might just see divorce papers in the morning," arisa teased with a grin while tom laughed, shaking his head.

and with that, the rest of the evening was spent laughing, dancing, and having fun with the people who they were sharing a milestone of their life with.


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