lxvii. | real life

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arisa, tom, and harrison were all at tom's childhood home, just finished having dinner with the hollands. while the males were in the living room talking, arisa was with nikki, cleaning up everything.

of course, nikki had said that it was unnecessary for arisa to help since she was the guest but arisa had refused, saying that it was alright with her. it took persuasions but finally, nikki had agreed to letting arisa accompany her.

"tom is an extremely lucky lad to have someone like you," nikki had told arisa with a smile while they were wiping a few plates. "he can be quite the handful and i know it's not easy being with him because of his profession but since you have the same one, i suppose you two know how to make it work."

"even if we have the same profession, our relationship is just like any other— well, at least for the most part. tom's a great guy, he really is— he can just be a little too insane at times," arisa replied back with a laugh while nikki nodded her head. "oh, yes. he's always been up to crazy shenanigans, even when he was younger. it was a miracle that he's never had any major injuries."

"i could imagine. he's already extremely accident prone on set, with his stunts and all. other than his spoiling tendencies, everyone's worried for his safety, whether he would accidentally land a flip wrong and break something, or fall off one of the ledges on set— everyone would be rushing to check if he needed medical attention."

while the two females were caught up in their conversation, none of them noticed the males that entered the room.

"what are you two laughing about?"

arisa cleared her throat slightly, lifting her gaze from nikki to dominic, tom's father and the one who spoke up. arisa heard nikki sigh, hiding a smile as she saw the knowing look the older female shot her.

"just how much of a handful tom could be," was nikki's reply to her husband's question which made tom scoff and his siblings laugh and nod in agreement.

"i applaud arisa for being able to handle tom," sam snorted while his twin rolled his eyes. "she's got him wrapped around her finger. our brother's turned into a whipped lad."

arisa attempted to hide the blush rising on her cheeks while tom and his brothers, along with haz, argued. the holland couple, however, looked amused at the boys' banter.

"so when's the wedding?" came another one of dominic's question, silencing the males and earning a jaw drop from tom and arisa. tom looked at his mother for some help but the woman merely raised her eyebrow, a mischievous smile on her lips, and a shrug of her shoulders.

"there won't be any wedding happening anytime soon," tom spoke with reddened cheeks. "not yet," harrison corrected his best mate with a grin which earned a glare.

"tom, you have to marry arisa. she's fun to be around and i like her more than you," paddy piped in the conversation. everyone laughed except for tom who looked mildly offended. "but i thought i was your favorite! this is traitorous, paddy," the male actor gasped out.

but paddy merely gave him a grin which turned into a look of instant regret and a yelp as he ran around while tom chased him down and the others watching in amusement.

after more jokes and teasing tom and arisa, the family decided to clean up and part ways. while everyone was inside, tom and arisa were laying down on the airtrack set up in the backyard, the couple talking about life itself, and what their futures could bring.

"do you think we'll make it? in the next years, do you think we'd still be together? or even talk to one another? or would we breakup and be the awkward exes whose relationship ended in a bad note?"

DARLIN' ,  tom holland Where stories live. Discover now