xxi. | twitter & real life

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gwen @gwenmiller
arisa's trying to facetime me, she never does that. should i be scared?
38k likes, 3.6k retweets

arisa @arixaviers
answer me, you won't regret it


gwen @gwenmiller
update : i answered it and she's freaking out so i'm freaking out too
41k likes, 3.9k retweets

beth ships tarisa @username
pics or it didn't happen


gwen @gwenmiller
she's calm now but she freaked out for like 10 minutes @username

gwen @gwenmillershe's calm now but she freaked out for like 10 minutes @username

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44k likes, 4k retweets

ellie wants tarisa and harwen @username
is it just me or does it look like arisa's getting ready for something?

arixaviers and gwenmiller liked your tweet!

ellie @username
they both liked the tweet oh god, what's happening

jenn @username
hey, we need hints over here @arixaviers @gwenmiller

arisa @arixaviers

gwen @gwenmiller


"so tom actually had the balls to ask you out, huh." arisa laughed, nodding in answer to her friend's comment while straightening her hair. "did he mention where you'll both go?" arisa set the straightener on the counter, turning to face her phone. "yeah, he did. apparently, we're going to some formal restaurant. i guess he felt bad that i had a horrible first time experience in that type of setting."

gwen's smile widened, if that was even possible. "i'm guessing he'll go through the plan, then." arisa furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend in confusion. "when i visited- maybe the third day i was there- tom got my number from haz and asked me to help him plan a date for you both."

"did you also plan for him to ask me about the immensely embarrassing experience i had with my family?" gwen raised an eyebrow at her friend's question. "you told him about that? damn, arisa, i didn't know you trusted him that much."

arisa rolled her eyes. "we were sharing life experiences, i guess it just slipped out." gwen laughed at arisa, shaking her head. "alright, anyways. do you have any idea on what to wear already?" arisa thought for a moment before answering. "i was thinking the light blue one." gwen groaned at her friend's reply, disappointment clear on her face. "are you trying to look like a nun on a date?" arisa gasped at gwen, faking hurt. "okay, i don't look like a nun in that dress."

"uh, you actually do," gwen paused for a minute to think. "do you still have the burgundy dress? the one with the thin straps and thigh high leg cutouts?"

arisa ran to her wardrobe, taking out the dress before showing it to gwen who nodded in approval. "that's the one. go change."

arisa did as gwen told her, struggling with the back zipper and uncomfortably pulling down the bottom half.

"quit pulling that, you look great."

arisa sighed in frustration before nodding. "any accessory ideas and a possible coverup?" gwen smiled at the question. "i thought you'd never ask. alright, i suspect it's a chilly evening so grab the leather jacket, that'd be cool. as for shoes, wear the black heels with the ankle straps and the golden necklace i gave you."

arisa obeyed her best friend's demands, looking at herself in the mirror.

"you look amazing, arisa. tom better be stuttering and drooling once he lays his eyes on you."

the last sentence caused arisa to roll her eyes, scoffing. "okay, i think that's a little of an overreaction." gwen laughed, shrugging. "maybe it is but considering how whipped he is for you, i think it's possible."

gwen and arisa chatted for a while more before a knock on the door cut them off. "gwen, i think that's tom." gwen smiled at her friend reassuringly. "hey, it's alright. don't be too anxious and let yourself have fun, you hear me?"

arisa once again rolled her eyes. "yeah i hear you, mama gwen." gwen smiled at that. "i'm only showing my care for you. now, go before mr. holland thinks you ditched him."

the two said their final goodbyes before disconnecting the call.

this is how i imagine arisa's dress to look like but you can honestly picture whatever dress you'd like

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this is how i imagine arisa's dress to look like but you can honestly picture whatever dress you'd like

this is how i imagine arisa's dress to look like but you can honestly picture whatever dress you'd like

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and the date is finally happening in the next chapter so there's that!

and the date is finally happening in the next chapter so there's that!

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DARLIN' ,  tom holland Where stories live. Discover now