xlix. | messages & phone call

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private messages
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i'm coming to get you, princess

you know i'll be able to find you, no matter how much you try to run and hide


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phone call
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gwen ; arisa

hey, why'd you call? be quick though, i'm kinda in the middle of a shoot

. . .

wait, shit- arisa, are you crying? did something happen? is it tom? i'm going to fucking beat his ass if he lays even a single finger on you, i swear to god-

it's not tom, gwen

then what?

you haven't heard the news?

please don't tell me three years are over

he's back, gwen. he's been texting me for weeks now and i only replied recently because i was getting frustrated with the unknown messages and- fuck, it's him, gwen. what do i do? i can't do this again-

arisa, breathe, alright? you're going to be fine, he's not going anywhere near you. you're safe, okay?

he's going to find me one way or another, gwen. he always does- and now that the media isn't leaving me alone? god, he'd find me sooner than later

you filed for a restraining order, right?

of course i have, gwen! but they removed it because his father is a goddamn millionaire who can hire a fucking amazing lawyer and can pay anyone cash under the table just like that!

you have tom with you, right? just stay with him

tom flew back to london to visit his family, i'm alone and an easy target

are your parents still in l.a?

no, they've already flown back to montreal to finish the projects they're filming

oliver. what about oliver? he has a home in nyc, right? you can ask to stay with him for a while

wouldn't i be disturbing his privacy with amelia and isaiah?

he's your brother and amelia loves you. go call him now, as soon as possible

alright, i will

be safe, arisa. i mean it

i'll try my best

[ call has ended . . . ]


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phone call
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oliver ; arisa

hello, little sister. how are you on this fine day?

can i stay with you and amelia for a while? please, it's urgent

you're my sister, of course you can. but why exactly is it urgent? kinda need more details here

connor's back, i need somewhere to stay. i'm not taking the chance to stay alone in my apartment

i thought we left the shithead back in 2015?

yeah, well, three years have flown by

can you fly over in the next two days? it would be the best plan to get you here as soon as possible

yes, i can. thank you so much, oli, i owe you

you may be annoying but you're still family. we all care about your wellbeing

okay, woah. sappy oliver is extremely weird

fuck you

see you in two days, love you

love you too. stay safe, sis

[ call has ended . . . ]

some people wanted more drama so here you go?? but on a lighter note, i just learned that thanos' retirement scene in infinity war was shot in my country wtf

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some people wanted more drama so here you go?? but on a lighter note, i just learned that thanos' retirement scene in infinity war was shot in my country wtf

some people wanted more drama so here you go?? but on a lighter note, i just learned that thanos' retirement scene in infinity war was shot in my country wtf

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DARLIN' ,  tom holland Where stories live. Discover now