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arisa yawned, rubbing her eyes. the bright sun peeked through the windows, slightly blinding her. once her eyes had adjusted to the light, her vision suddenly darted to a note placed on the bedside table which highly intrigued her.

arisa reached out, grabbing the folded paper in her hands, smiling once she saw tom's name.


good morning, darling. i hope you had a good night's rest but if you didn't, here's a little something that would hopefully start your morning off well.

five things i love about you

1.) your eyes, definitely your eyes. something about them makes me all happy inside and i love it. i could stare at them forever but then i would look like a creep so no thanks.

2.) your smile, definitely as well. it's like when you tell me that you're smiling or i see happiness radiating off of you, it makes me happy because it's nice knowing that i could make you feel positive and you deserve to feel that way, always.

3.) your personality, just something about that wonderful personality of yours makes me absolutely happy. i think that's something i love and admire about you because you still manage to keep this aura around you even if you're feeling low.

4.) i guess the different sides of you- happy arisa, sad, hyper, awkward. i mean i love all versions of you and i would still enjoy being around you even if you absolutely hate my guts

5.) you in general. you and you and just you. i don't know how or when i started feeling a different way for you but there was just something about you that made me crave for your presence and i suppose i tried to conceal it but i definitely failed.

there are way more, obviously, but i'm in quite a rush so this is all i had time to write. after reading this, head to the kitchen. i may or may not have made you breakfast.



arisa's grin was wide as she went down the hall, heading to the kitchen. her eyes wandered around, landing on the plate of pancakes with whipped cream on one of the counters which had yet another note beside it. arisa walked forward, eager to read another letter from the boy who made her feel giddy.


hello, love. beside this note is a plate of chocolate chip pancakes which i know are your favorites- don't worry, they're not poisoned and are safe to eat. if you're wondering, i am currently out doing a few errands but i will definitely see you before noon. however, you'll need to get ready before then. i'm taking you out for lunch and you can wear whatever you'd like, it's not going to be formal or anything.

see you soon,


@damnarismood because i turn 22 today and also because i woke up to a plate of pancakes853,028 likes9,920 comments

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mood because i turn 22 today and also because i woke up to a plate of pancakes

username: i'm betting that tom made the pancakes


username: tom's about to spoil his queen on her birthday ayeee

username: i'm just going to be crying today because of how cute tarisa will be

gwenmiller: oh my god, you're old now

damnaris: hey, friendly reminder that you're older than i am gwenmiller

hazosterfield: saw the pancakes and i would just like to say that you're going to die of diabetes soon

damnaris: let me be me for today hazosterfield

if you're wondering, arisa's birthday is on the 9th of november

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if you're wondering, arisa's birthday is on the 9th of november

also i just researched the timeline of the avengers iw and avengers 4 production and based on that, arisa and tom have known each other for nearly two years at this point in time and have been dating for almost a year— if you don't include the fact that they took a break

idk why i added those two things above tbh

idk why i added those two things above tbh

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DARLIN' ,  tom holland Where stories live. Discover now