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arisa @arixaviers
a short thread about why today was one of the best days of my entire life

arisa @arixaviers
‪right so i was in the apartment i've been staying at for the duration of the filming of infinity war, filming for the day ended about half an hour ago, i was tired as hell. but suddenly, tom comes knocking in. he then reveals that he wanted to go to this children's hospital and asked me if i wanted to go‬

arisa @arixaviers
and of course i said yes because if you didn't know i actually really love children

arisa @arixaviers
so we get to the hospital and gathered there is a ton of kids and nurses and all and tom just stands there grinning at all of them and i swear, i've never seen a bunch of kids happier in my life than when i tell the young ones in my family that santa has a gift for them

arisa @arixaviers
anyways, tom being the angel that he is, came up to all of them and just interacted with them, making them smile and laugh and all those sort of things.

arisa @arixaviers
we met this little girl named kinley and she's the cutest little thing i've ever seen and she made tom her dad or caretaker during the time we were there and i don't have a clear picture but here's tom helping kinley fall asleep

⇥ arisa @arixavierswe met this little girl named kinley and she's the cutest little thing i've ever seen and she made tom her dad or caretaker during the time we were there and i don't have a clear picture but here's tom helping kinley fall asleep

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arisa @arixavier
here's him holding a little blonde spiderman

⇥ arisa @arixaviersi really still have a lot to say but i've got to cut this short because it's nearing 12 in the morning and i've got more filming to do in about 5 hours but let me just add this little detail

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arisa @arixaviers
i really still have a lot to say but i've got to cut this short because it's nearing 12 in the morning and i've got more filming to do in about 5 hours but let me just add this little detail

arisa @arixaviers
when tom was talking about his experience and how making others happy was the best part of his job, i kid you not, he sounded like he was about to cry and his eyes were getting teary. tom cares a lot about literally everyone and i'm not just saying this to just make him sound good or anything

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