xix. | messages & real life

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private messages
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delivered at 12:46 a.m

are you still awake?


are you, by any chance- hungry?

yeah, i was just about to grab some food


do you want to go to mcdonald's with me?

at nearly 1:00 in the morning?

is it too late already?

no, it's perfect

great, see you in 10!


"did you really show up to a formal dinner party wearing your pajamas?" arisa's cheeks reddened as she placed her drink down. "yeah, i did. thank the heavens i didn't choose to wear the matching set i had." tom chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "i doubt they're that bad."

"no, they're worse," arisa rolled her eyes with a scoff. "what, were they silk and see through?" arisa slapped tom's arm which was resting on the table between them. "get your mind out of the gutter, holland," she paused, not entirely sure whether to say what was on her mind. he'd probably make fun of her for it.

"i don't own any silk, see through pajamas but for your information, the ones that i do own are hello kitty and they're a hundred times better than that stuff."

the sound of tom's laughter filled arisa's ears and all she thought was it's worth embarrassing myself if i get to hear this human's adorable laughter.

"oh, i'd pay just to see you show up at a restaurant wearing those." arisa glared at tom's words. "why don't you be the one who shows up to that kind of scenario with said hello kitty pajamas while your entire family is sitting there, waiting." tom laughed again as arisa grabbed her cup.

"no, i think i'd like to keep the little dignity i have left." this time, arisa laughed along with him. "but it does sound like you had a wonderful time at such a formal setting." the female snorted, nodding. "oh yeah, i had an absolute blast."

"as i was saying, since you had a wonderful time at such a formal setting, i was wondering if you'd like to do it again- though this time with me?"

arisa choked on her drink, coughing and catching her breath.

"what?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. tom gulped, scratching the back of his neck. "i said that i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime?" finally done composing herself, arisa stared at tom for a moment.

"i won't have to wear my pajamas to it, right?" tom looked confused for a moment before letting out a nervous laugh. "no, you don't have to but you could if you'd like?" arisa laughed at that. "i think i'd like to wear clothes that actually fit for the occasion."

"is that a yes that you'll go out with me?" arisa smiled at tom, nodding her head. "of course it's a yes. so when would you like this to happen?"

"since it's already about maybe three in the morning, that would make it- tonight? or is that too soon?" still with a smile on her face, arisa nodded her head once more. "i think that tonight sounds perfect."

i just want to say that tom holland's laugh is adorable and is how i imagine a place with sunny skies filled with rainbows and has unicorns flying and leprechauns roaming around to sound like

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i just want to say that tom holland's laugh is adorable and is how i imagine a place with sunny skies filled with rainbows and has unicorns flying and leprechauns roaming around to sound like

alright, bye

alright, bye

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DARLIN' ,  tom holland Where stories live. Discover now