lxxvi. | real life

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arisa tilted her head, glancing at herself in the mirror. she smoothed down the white fabric of her dress, her fingers running through the tiny crystal embellishments.

"you look absolutely stunning, arisa," gwen squealed excitedly which made everyone in the room agree and the bride laugh with joy.

"tom better be crying at the altar when he sees you and i want zero excuses or i'm getting dad and oli to punch some sense into him," stella muttered with a chuckle.

"estella!" arisa gasped out, half amused and half scolding, "you are not going to be the reason why tom ends up with a black eye and why there would be a damn brawl."

"what? him crying should be an appropriate reaction! i mean, it has to be— he's one lucky lad to have someone like you, even when you get a little annoying."

arisa glared at her sister playfully, a smile on her lips. "actually, tom and i are having a bet. whoever tears up first loses."

"god, you two are absolute children," stella remarked with a groan. "but," she paused, "i am actually curious. what does the loser have to do?"

"i'm actually not very sure," arisa replied with a laugh. "we haven't thought about that part yet but i guess it's whatever the winner wants the loser to do."

"that sounds a little kinky, don't you think? or maybe it's just me who finds it that way," gwen snorted which earned an eyebrow raise from victoria. "isn't that an inappropriate comment for a wedding?"

"i suppose it is," gwen laughed, "but i'm thinking that this punishment would be done afterwards, you know? when they're all alone."

arisa gave her best friend a tight lipped smile, blood rushing to her cheeks. "yeah, no. we would probably end up playing uno while drinking wine the whole night."

"oh, i doubt that," amelia chuckled. "that's what oliver and i said as well but look what happened— i had isaiah."

"alright, alright," victoria interrupted, clearing her throat. "i don't think i need to hear about my kids' sex lives."

"yeah, i think we should change the subject as well," arisa said quickly with a nod of her head. the three women laughed— except for arisa and victoria— but agreed nonetheless.

arisa looked at her reflection once more, envisioning herself walking down the aisle. imagining it alone was enough to set butterflies free on her stomach, what more if it was to become a reality?

"i just can't believe you're getting married soon," victoria xaviers admitted as she watched her youngest admire herself in a large mirror, wearing a beautiful wedding dress that looked as if it was made specially for her.

"mum, you've been saying that since the day i told you i was engaged. i'm getting married in three months so i hope you'll be able to believe it by then," arisa told her mother jokingly, "do i need to wear a veil with this too right now? maybe that'll help."

"you can't really blame mum much, arisa," stella piped in, looking as if she was about to tear up any second. amelia and gwen both nodded their heads in agreement, turning misty-eyed.

"this reminds me of the day you demanded a facetime so i could help you prepare for your first date with tom," gwen reminisced with a sigh. "do you remember that? you were running around, i think you were close to having a breakdown. thank the heavens you called me or you would've shown up looking like a crazed lady."

"yes, i thank you for your service, guinevere," arisa teased while her friend scoffed. "watch your words, adamaris. if it wasn't for me, you would be stuck with a cold bed, a mind swimming down the drain, and a nonexistent relationship."

"i don't know," amelia frowned. "i think her mind is still swimming down the drain. i assume it's in too deep to come back to the purer path."

"lia," arisa gasped with her jaw hanging low. "you're supposed to be on my side! this— this is utter betrayal!"

amelia shrugged, a silly grin plastered on her face. "i was just stating the truth. there's nothing wrong about being honest and sharing my opinion that's a possible fact, right?"

"please tell me it's not a fact," victoria pleaded but her eyes were sharp, as if she was scolding her daughter for doing something she shouldn't be.

"well—," arisa began but was immediately cut off by her sister. "mum, unfortunately, it's a fact. don't listen to arisa, she doesn't like admitting it— it gets her embarrassed."

"but can you really blame arisa? i don't think so," said gwen. "i mean, the internet can get pretty crazy— and by pretty crazy, i mean fucking insane." she glanced at victoria's shocked expression, an awkward smile immediately rising up on her lips. "sorry, victoria. it just slipped out."

victoria sighed in exasperation, prepared to hit herself. "i don't understand your generation, every single one of you is extremely weird. confusing personalities, strange humor, and all that."

"mum, are you calling yourself old?"

"i may not look like it but i feel as if i've been here since the beginning of time. you, being my youngest child, standing in front of me in a wedding dress isn't helping me, either."

ew ending but— "why didn't you update earlier?" you may ask

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ew ending but— "why didn't you update earlier?" you may ask.

well, to answer that question, i'm being drowned in so much school work and projects like— life, please fix ur shit. but maybe it's because we're gonna have a break on the last week of october so aYEE

anyways, this just hit 20k and i want to thank all of you reading this 💞

to make up for the late chapter post, here's one video that still amazes and confused me

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