Chapter 2: Nocturne

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Even the Ultimate Lucky Student was subject to some bad luck once in a while. He drew the straw for getting to clean the abandoned building in preparation for Byakuya's party that night. He had already finished cleaning most of the dining hall, but he still had a few preparations left to make. In search of some extra supplies, Nagito discovered a previously unentered room at the end of the dimly lit hallway. He cracked the door open and peeked into the room. As soon as he saw it, he knew right away he had to go get her.

"(Y/N)!" he knocked at her cabin door eagerly. She answered after a short moment. "I have a surprise for you,"

"What is-" before she could finish, he grabbed her wrist and starts pulling her along.

"This better be good for how fast you're rushing me here!" she huffed as they finally approached the door in the abandoned building. Ending the suspense, he finally opened the door and flipped on the light switch, revealing the dusty-looking grand piano in the center of the room. Her eyes widened, but her expression looked slightly pained, which was not the reaction he was expecting from her. Nevertheless, he thought he would try his luck and ask her the question.

"Will you play a song for me, (Y/N)?"

"Nagito.. I.." she hesitated.

"What is it?"

"I...I can't play in front of other people..." her eyes averted his hopeful gaze and looked down towards the worn out wooden floor beneath them.

He remained silent, but he looked at her inquisitively. She could feel his eyes on her, waiting for an explanation.

"I get too nervous...and I forget the notes...sometimes I even pass out. That's why I only compose the music. I can't be in the spotlight, I... can't... perform" she choked out, trying her best to hold back the tears that were forming.

"Hey, hey don't be sad. It's just me you're playing for, not a whole audience. What if I close my eyes?" he walked over to the piano and took a seat on the bench. He turned back at her, smiling with closed eyes, and patted the bench next to him. Her hands were trembling already; everything in her mind was telling her she was incapable of playing, but his smile looked so encouraging. She wanted to look away, but instead she sat down next to him. There was very little space between them, given the size of the bench. His warmth was radiating next to her, and she could have sworn he scooted a little closer to her after she sat down. She slowly lifted her hands to the ivory keys, but they were weak and trembling.

"I'm sorry for pressuring you" he said sadly, "you shouldn't listen to someone like me..."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I'm just talentless trash and I'm probably not even worthy to hear you play" he leaned over and rested his head on her shoulders. His unruly tufts of hair felt soft against her neck, which caused her to shiver slightly. Why was this boy so eager to hear her play? Why was he so close to her? a million questions ran through her head at the speed of light.

Without thinking, her thumb finally weighed down onto the black key, striking a quiet note that resonated throughout the small music room. There was a pause before continuing, but soon, her fingers warmed up to the keys, basking in the familiar feeling of playing. How long had it been since she touched a piano? she thought to herself. Nagito kept his eyes closed and continued resting his head on her shoulder; she could feel him relax into her as she kept playing each note. The movement of her arms rocked him slowly, lulling him into a deeper state of relaxation. When she finished, she closed her eyes, but that didn't stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks. Her hands were still shaking, but she couldn't remove them from the piano.

"(Y/N), that was amazing. Did you write that song?"

"No, sorry. That was Chopin. Nocturne, Opus 9, number 2. I don't think I'm ready to play one of my pieces...they're just... too personal when I play them. I hope you don't mind" Nagito wrapped both of his arms around her waist in response and pulled her against his shirt.

"Thank you so much, (Y/N). I wouldn't mind if that was the last song I ever heard"

Still startled from the sudden embrace, she let out a muffled response.

"Don't say things like that, I'm sure it won't be the last" She finally found the strength in her arms to return the embrace. Her heart was racing, and she swore she could feel his heart beating just the same.

"It won't be if you play one more song..." he gently lifted her chin up to face his gleaming smile. She sighed and released him to rest her fingers on the keys once more.

"Y'know, I haven't played the piano for anyone before. Not until now."

"Nobody? Not even your parents? A teacher? Anyone?" he asked, almost a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Not directly, anyways. I never let anyone in the room while I played or composed. My parents may have listened from outside the door, but nothing more than that" Before Nagito could ask another question, she interrupted him.

"One of my favorites, Arabesque number one by Debussy" and without any hesitation, her fingers started climbing up and down the keys flawlessly. The way the notes would ascend and descend was almost dream-like, as if the notes themselves were tangible, floating up from her fingertips and caressing him like a gentle wind.

"Shouldn't you get back to cleaning, by the way?" She asked after finishing the song, the last chord still ringing in the air.

"Sorry, you're right! How stupid of me. I won't waste any more of your time"

"It wasn't a waste. thank you for... encouraging me to play"

"But why were you able to play for me of all people?"

"I don't know. I guess it just felt right. I'm confused about it too... but I'm happy" she spoke genuinely, he could hear it in her voice.

"I'm happy you're happy." he said with a smile. "but you should get out of here until the party starts. I still have a lot to do."

"I could help you?" she said in a questioning tone.

"No, that's okay. Someone like you shouldn't be doing dirty work. Leave that for talentless scum like me."

"You're not-"  but before she could finish her sentence, he began guiding her towards the exit.

"I drew the unlucky straw, so I deserve this" he spoke fast and continued leading her out, the smile never leaving his face.

How could someone be so happy about cleaning? she thought

"I'll see you tonight" he spoke from the other side of the threshold, one hand on the door. Before she could react, he reached his free hand behind her head and pulled her close. He pressed his lips against her forehead and held them there for a moment; she could feel her face becoming redder by the second. He pulled away and waved at her one more time before quickly closing the door.

On the Beach at Night [Nagito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now