Chapter 26: Clean

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When (Y/N) woke up, she was still nestled next to Nagito in the tiny hospital bed. There was sunlight glowing behind the curtains, leading her to believe it was late morning. Her entire body felt stiff and her neck ached, but for the most part, she felt well-rested. It took her a second, but she realized there was a blanket draped over top of her that wasn't there when she fell asleep. Someone must have come in the room to check on them while they were sleeping, and she had a pretty good idea of who that could be.

It was fairly easy to pry herself free of Nagito's grip, since he was only using one arm. Carefully, trying her best not to disturb him, she climbed out of bed. After stretching out her stiff muscles for a moment, she headed out in search of Izuru, who was probably lingering somewhere within the hospital. She could at least rule out that he was in his cottage resting, as much as she wished that were true. There was a clattering noise coming from the end of the hallway, so (Y/N) headed in that direction. The source was from what looked to be a small kitchen, possibly designed as a breakroom for hospital staff. Izuru was in there, busy preparing food.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." he said without looking up from what he was doing. She hadn't even crossed the doorway yet and he had acknowledged her presence. It made her wonder if Ultimate Hearing was included in his many talents.

"Hey, you." she replied to him. "Whatcha making?"

"Breakfast for the three of us. It's almost ready."

"Thanks." He placed a small bowl on the table in front of where she was standing.

"I hope you're okay with egg rice. There aren't many ingredients to work with in this kitchen. And this one is for Nagito." He sat down another bowl that was just broth. "Would you mind bringing it to him? He may need some help eating it."

"Sure." She carefully picked up the two bowls, trying her best not to spill any of the contents. "Are you going to eat with us?"

"I don't want to impede." he said firmly.

"Please? I'm sure Nagito would enjoy company from someone other than me."

"Alright." He quickly cleaned up the kitchen before grabbing his own food and heading out the door. They walked side by side towards the part of the hallway where the patient rooms were located. Once they turned the corner, they were met with a startling scene.

Nagito had left his hospital room and made it halfway down the patient wing. He was partially leaning on the wall for support, his legs shaking under his own weight. He looked like a sweaty, disheveled mess, struggling to hold himself up with one arm. His breaths became more and more labored and he looked ready to collapse at any moment.

"Nagito!" (Y/N) helplessly called out to him. Before she could even think of reacting, Izuru was at Nagito's side in one swift movement, grabbing him under the arm and holding him upright with one hand, the other hand still perfectly balancing his breakfast. Not a single grain of rice was spilt.

"Nagito, what are you doing?!" (Y/N) yelled. Her eyes were still wide at what she just witnessed.

"(Y/N) weren't...there...gone..." Nagito spoke between breaths. His voice was hysterical.

"I'm right here. C'mon you need to get back in bed." She quickly hurried and put the bowls she was holding down on a table inside the room and grabbed the one Izuru was holding as well. Once both his hands were free, he effortlessly picked Nagito up and carried him back into his bed. (Y/N) sat down on the edge of the bed once he was settled in, gently brushing his matted hair away from his forehead. After he finally caught his breath, he seemed to be calmed down enough to speak normally.

"You weren't here when I woke up, (Y/N)." His voice was still a little shaky, but she could understand him. "I had to find you. I had to."

"I'm sorry for leaving. I just wanted to let you rest a little longer." she apologized softly.

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