Chapter 9: Poison

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Just as the amusement park wasn't very amusing, the fun house was the opposite of fun. It was a trap set by Monokuma, and to make matters worse, they were forced to starve until a killing took place. Nekomaru, or Mechamaru as everyone had nicknamed him after he was transformed into a cyborg by Monokuma, was the victim this time. After the investigation and the trial, everyone concluded that Gundham was the killer.

(Y/N) was separated from Nagito during most of their time in the funhouse, due to the way the living quarters were set up. They had agreed to split up by gender, so she stayed with the other girls and Hajime, who there was no space for on the boys' side. Nagito admitted during the class trial that he had went into the Final Dead Room, which held a life-threatening game inside. Anyone who won the game would receive access to the Ultimate weapon, along with more information about their missing school memories. He relied on his luck to win a game of Russian roulette and received the promised prizes.

Nagito was lucky we were separated, (Y/N) thought, I would have never let him enter that room.

With the information he had found, Nagito revealed that Hajime was not an Ultimate like the rest of them. He was only a reserve course student, someone who paid their way into the school and didn't actually have a talent. Although he seemed eager to share this information with the rest of them, (Y/N) felt like there was more information that he was holding back.

Everyone remained in the trial ground after the execution, discussing the recent events. (Y/N) was standing by Nagito, who was positioned at the back of the room, away from the others. She leaned into him, feeling exhausted. He put an arm around her shoulders, but his movements felt autonomous, like he was running on auto-pilot. After a moment, he pulled her close and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"I'm leaving." he said quiet enough that only she could hear it. Before she could respond, he kissed the top of her head and made his way towards the exit. She was tempted to follow him, but for some reason she felt frozen in place. After everyone had agreed on their next plan of action, everyone made their way back to the main island, aside from one particular person who was lingering behind.

"Hajime?" (Y/N) said, which startled him. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, sorry. Let's go." They walked out together. He was quiet, which wasn't unusual for him, but she could sense that he had something on his mind.

"Hey, just so you know, it doesn't matter to me that you're a reserve course student. You're still my classmate...and my friend."

"Thanks, (Y/N)." he paused for a moment before speaking again. "There's something I'm worried about though..."


"Where's Nagito?" he asked. She didn't realize anyone but her noticed his disappearance.

"All he told me was that he was leaving, and then he disappeared. I really don't know anything else" she defended herself.

"I believe you, it's okay." Hajime reassured her. "Are you worried about him?"

"Yes...I don't know what he saw in that Final Dead Room, but I don't think it was good. And there's something he's not telling us."

"I agree with that," he replied. "Should we try to find him?"

"Maybe he's already at the restaurant. We could look there first." she suggested, even though she knew for a fact Nagito wouldn't just slip out early to go get a snack.


When they finally arrived at the restaurant, there was no sign of Nagito. Hajime offered to help (Y/N) keep looking for him, but she assured him it was fine.

"We're all exhausted, let's just get some rest for tonight. If he's still not here by morning, maybe you can help me then." she tried her best to give him a reassuring smile, but Hajime didn't seem to buy it.

"Well, if you need anything, let me know. Goodnight, (Y/N)."

"Good night, Hajime."


The next morning, Nagito still hadn't made an appearance. After breakfast, everyone made their way to the fifth island, which was now accessible. The entire island looked futuristic dystopian city. There were a few disturbing buildings, one in particular being the giant Monokuma factory and warehouse. (Y/N) helped Hajime and Chiaki investigate it until they were summoned by Fuyuhiko to meet with everyone else to share their findings. Aside from their discoveries, one topic that also came up in their discussion was the idea of a traitor amongst them. Monkuma previously told them that there was a traitor from the Future Foundation, the organization responsible for putting them on this island, but nobody wanted to suspect each other.

"Maybe this traitor is simply a false entity that Monokuma has made up to make us suspicious of each other!" Sonia suggested. Everyone seemed to nod in agreement, but before anyone else could speak, they were interrupted by a familiar voice.

" weak..." the voice said

"N-Nagito?" (Y/N) squeaked. She wanted to run over to him, but once she looked in his eyes, she saw the darkness again, but this time, there was something more sinister in them.

"Instead of facing the problem directly and overcoming're desperately trying to run away. That hopeless!" he continued.

"Where have you been this whole time?" Hajime asked.

"I was looking for someone. I thought they'd be here by now, but I guess they haven't arrived yet. Or maybe they're hiding." Nagito rambled.

"Who're you talking about?" (Y/N) chimed in.

"The survivor of the killing school life." he answered vaguely.

"You're acting very strange! I do not like this version of Nagito we have been witness to!" Sonia spoke formally as usual.

"I never liked ya in the first place," Akane butted in.

" looks like I'm being hated again. Well, that's understandable. There's no way you guys can even comprehend my suffering. Knowing the truth...can be pretty painful in its own way."

"What truth?" Hajime spoke again.

"Curious, are you...? I'll tell you guys after we find out who the traitor is. To tell you the truth, I still haven't found out who the traitor is...but it won't take me very long. You guys don't have to worry. I'll weed out the traitor, even if it costs me my life!" his laugh sent shivers down their spines. It was like every word that left his mouth was a poison, slowly filling the air around them. It was the side of Nagito that (Y/N) hoped to never see again.

"Don't say that, Nagito, Please!" (Y/N) pleaded. She reached out for him, but he brushed her aside.

"Oh, (Y/N). I'll be honest, you were the one thing that almost put a stop to this plan. Emotions really do get in the way sometimes."

"What plan, Nagito?" she tried to sound as intimidating as she could, but she felt her voice cracking.

"My plan to become the Ultimate Hope and rid this island of despair once and for all!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Have you lost your damn mind?" Kazuichi yelled.

"Now then, I should get going...(Y/N), how about one more kiss before I go?" before she could object, he pressed his lips against hers firmly, almost causing her to lose her footing. He placed a hand behind her back to stop her from pulling away so quickly. She didn't return the kiss; she was too in shock at his sudden actions to comprehend what was going on.

"Nagito, please. Can you just listen to me for a second?" she begged him.

"Shhh..." he placed a finger gently over her lips. "There's no meaning to words that are neither deadly poison or a cure."

And just like that, he left.

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