Chapter 15: Coffee

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Sleep didn't come easy to (Y/N), despite the danger of the killing game no longer looming over her. Her mind was hopelessly trying to retrieve the memories she had lost, keeping her wide awake. It was early enough that she decided to give up on sleep and go for a walk around the island. The sun was hidden behind the clouds for once, giving the morning breeze a chill. Due to the way the virtual world was setup, it was always perfect, sunny weather inside. (Y/N) realized now how much she wanted to feel the rain again. She stopped for a moment to look up at the sky, hoping it would hear her plea. Just one drop, please. I want to feel something. The killing game was over. Her friends were alive. It seemed like the perfect happy ending. So why did she feel so empty?

"Good morning." a voice spoke from behind her, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Ahh, Izuru! How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough." his response was short, like he was losing interest quickly.

"What are you up to?" she asked, unsure if he would respond well to her attempt at starting a conversation.

"I'm going to continue working on bringing Nagito back."

"This early?!"

"Yes." There was awkward silence for a moment before (Y/N) decided to speak.

"C-can I come with you?" she asked nervously. She didn't really have a reason for going with him, other than wanting the company.

"If you'd like." Without hesitating, he started walking towards the Future Foundation HQ, with (Y/N) in tow.

"So how do you do it?" She asked once they arrived.

"I've modified Alter Ego to be able to enter his psyche. Due to the traumatic nature of his death in the virtual world, his brain has created a defense mechanism, preventing him from waking up. Alter Ego is trying to destroy it." Izuru explained. He walked over to the computer in the center of the room and began typing something.

"And it's not working?" She peeked over his shoulder. On the screen, she saw Alter Ego, who now resembled Izuru.

"No. I haven't been able to enter yet. The walls he built are stronger than expected."

"Are you thinking of giving up?"


"You care about him a lot then, huh?"

"Not really, I always found him to be quite boring." he paused for a moment, "But there was someone who loved him. Maybe they still do."

"So you're doing all of this just so they can be together again? That's really sweet of you, Izuru."

"It's not me wanting to do this. It's him." he said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Who, Hajime?" she asked. Izuru just nodded while continuing to look at the computer. He seemed deep in thought, so (Y/N) decided to stop hounding him with questions for now. She quietly wandered around the room, eyeing all the technology to pass the time. Eventually, she made her way over to the pod where Nagito was still being held. She could see his silhouette through the illuminated blue glass, but not much more detail than that.

"How long will he last in this pod?" She couldn't resist asking another question.

"Not infinitely. There is enough support to keep him alive, but the human body can only live in this state for a limited time before it gives out." he answered. (Y/N) felt relieved he didn't sound annoyed by her questions.

"So you're working on a time limit?"


"Are you stressed out?"

"No. To be honest, I find it interesting. For once, the outcome isn't so predictable."

"I feel stressed out just by watching you work so hard," she teased. "By the way, do you want something for breakfast? I can bring you something."

"I'm fine, thank you." he said politely.

"Not even a coffee? Tea?" she insisted.

"Coffee would be okay. Plain."

"Alright, two coffees it is! I'll be right back" she chirped.

The restaurant was lively again. (Y/N) couldn't remember the last time there had been this many people having breakfast together. Her nose quickly filled with the smell of Teruteru's cooking again.

"There she is!" Kazuichi called out as (Y/N) walked in. He was seated at a table across from Sonia and Gundham.

"(Y/N)!" Ibuki yelled out, her face was taken over by her cheerful grin. A few of the others looked over in her direction and smiled as well.

"Hey, everyone." (Y/N) responded, trying to look happy. It felt nice to be welcomed by everybody, but it didn't help her feel any less alone. She felt like she was watching everyone from behind a glass window; she could look, but not get close to anyone. It was a mystery to her how everyone seemed to be so relaxed after the trauma they just went through.

Maybe it's because they have each other, (Y/N) thought.

"Would you care to join us?" Sonia nodded towards the empty seat at their table.

"Thanks for the offer, but I was just picking up some coffee to go." (Y/N) explained. She quickly poured the coffee into two cups before anyone else could ask her questions. At the last second, she decided to grab a small bowl of white rice before making her way back to the HQ building.

"Hey, here's your coffee. I also grabbed an extra pair of chopsticks in case you wanted some of this rice." She sat the cup down next to Izuru before taking a swig of her own. "Ow, that's hot."

"Did you expect something different?" he asked, not looking up from the screen.

"N-no, but I was just really excited to drink it." she defended herself.

"So predictable." She almost thought she saw him smirk out of the corner of her eye, but it was gone before she could get a good look.

"Any luck yet?" She asked with a mouthful of rice. She didn't realize how hungry she was until she took the first bite.

"Not yet. I think I have an idea about what to try next, but I'm going to need your help." He grabbed the extra chopsticks and reached for her bowl.

"Sure, whatever you need." she smiled at him before taking another bite.

"I need you to go inside his subconscious instead of Alter Ego. I think he will let you in."

The sound of her chopsticks hitting the floor echoed throughout the room.

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