Chapter 4: Promise

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There he was, lying on the floor, his legs bound with rope and his arms chained behind his back. He was still wearing the same unnerving grin on his face, his eyes looked at her eagerly as if he'd been waiting for her to arrive.

"Ahh, could it be? (Y/N) took time out of her busy day to bring food to little ol' me?" he said, unblinking. "Wow, I'm so happy!"

"Cut it out, Nagito. I'm just here to bring you food. I don't want to talk" she replied, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Do you hate me now, (Y/N)? he asked her. This time, his smile disappeared. She sat the tray down next to him and ignored his question.

"Goodbye." She turned towards the door, but he interrupted.

"Wait! (Y/N)! Aren't you going to feed me?"

"Wha-" she turned around to face him again.

"My arms are tied up, and to be honest, I'd be a little embarrassed if anyone besides you were to feed me." His smile was gentler now, and his eyes were starting to radiate their normal color again. Color flushed to his face and he almost looked like the boy she remembered.

"Nagito..." she hesitated.

"Please?" he begged. The softness in his voice was tugging at her emotions. She didn't want to leave him. She wasn't ready to give up just yet. She knelt down beside him and gently lifted his head upright against her, so he could eat without choking. Nagito took a bite of the toast she held in front of his mouth. After the toast was finished, she carefully tried to tip the glass of milk for him to drink, but some of it spilled down his chin anyways.

"I'm sorry," she quickly reached for a napkin to clean him off.

"It's okay," he smiled at her again, "I know you'll take care of me, (Y/N)."

"Well, you're done eating now." She started to slip out from underneath him.

"Wait, please! Can you stay with me a little longer?" he nestled closer into her lap and looked up at her. The sparkle in his eyes returned. Was that a glimmer of hope? She knew it was a bad idea to give in, but as much as she didn't want to admit it, it was nice to be close to him again, even in the current circumstance. Instead of responding with words, she lightly ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and relaxed for a moment, but he couldn't remain silent for long.

"You never answered my question earlier, (Y/N)"

"Hmm?" she really didn't want to speak, she was enjoying the silence they were sharing.

"Do you hate me?"

"I don't know." She replied. It was the best answer she could give him right now.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did. I don't deserve to have someone like you in my life."

"I just want to know the truth, Nagito. Why did you plan to murder someone?" she almost couldn't choke out the last sentence. It was painful to remember the class trial and the execution. But she had to know why.

"I didn't plan to murder someone." He explained calmly. "I was planning to be murdered." The way he said it so casually made (Y/N)'s heart sink to her stomach.

"What...Why?" she asked in disbelief.

"I knew my plan would get figured out, and I was counting on being killed by the person who found out about my plan in order to stop me. Turns out my luck allowed my life to be spared," he laughed dryly.

"Why would you want to be killed?" she asked. She could feel tears trying to escape her eyes at the thought of someone wanting so badly to die. Especially someone she cared about so much.

"Because I was tired of being worthless. I wanted to have use to you all. I wanted to be the stepping stone for hope. I wanted my death to bring hope to you all as you worked together to solve the crime and escape this island." He paused for a moment and stared blankly at the ceiling. "But here I am, alive and back to being worthless. Maybe I'm not so lucky after all..."

"You aren't worthless to me. I like you being alive." She could no longer hold back the tears.

"Then I'll stay alive a bit longer for you." He said it like he still had plans to die soon. It made (Y/N) feel uncomfortable, but she let him continue. "but you have to promise me one thing: when I die, will you write a song about me?" he asked.

"I promise I will..." she whispered. "but you aren't going to die here. I won't let you. We'll make it off this island, okay? Let me help you." the tears fell even harder. She was sure some of them were dripping onto Nagito, but he didn't seem to care.

"So much hope, just as I expected from you, (Y/N). You never disappoint me." He smiled up at her and she noticed a few tears of his own were escaping his eyes. He seemed so genuine. Does hope really make him this happy? she thought to herself.

"If I could hug you right now, I would." He continued, "but as you can see, I'm not in the best position for that."he moved his arms enough to rattle the chains behind him.

"I'm sorry I can't untie you," she sniffled, finally wiping away the tears. "I don't want the others to distrust me, more than they probably already do."

"I understand. You should probably get going before anyone gets suspicious."

"Right." She agreed and finally stood up. "I'll bring you dinner?" she asked.

"Can't wait" he beamed.

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