Chapter 3: Breakfast

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Two people were dead. Byakuya and Teruteru were dead because of Nagito. He had set everything up to commit a murder at the party that night, but the plan backfired and Teruteru became the culprit instead. During the class trial, (Y/N) saw a different side of Nagito, one she wished she never had to see again. All of his normal self-loathing and rambles about hope were amplified. His mind was infected by delusions of hope that could only be achieved through despair.

Is this what despair feels like? she thought, Nagito...what happened to you?

His words from after the class trial still echoed in her mind:

"If you hate me, I don't mind you killing me! I've already prepared myself to become your stepping stone!"

His eyes were not the same shimmering green color she remembered. They now housed something dark and twisted that instilled fear deep within her. His laughter sounded desperate, like the shrill cackles of someone who had nothing left to lose. The smile on his face was now jagged and unnerving and brought no comfort to (Y/N) the way it did just a day before. Even his complexion looked sickly and pale. During most of the trial, she couldn't even bear to look at him. Eventually she felt like she couldn't hear anyone's voice. All the arguing became muffled, like they were trying to speak underwater. Everything was a blur; it happened so fast.

Dead, they're both dead. It could have been me.

She was just sleeping in the same room as Nagito. He had her alone in the abandoned building. He had many chances to murder her, but he didn't. The one person who made her feel safe was now just another person to fear. Was there any hope at all?

This is despair.

After everyone had finally dispersed from the trial grounds, (Y/N) was the only one still lingering behind. She couldn't find the energy to lift her feet off the ground. Instead, she collapsed to the floor. Her knees ached from the impact on the solid concrete, but the pain was almost welcoming compared to the other feelings that flooded her senses.

"(Y/N)?" a quiet voice beckoned out to her from across the room. She recognized the voice as Hajime Hinata, the boy who had lead everyone through the class trial.

"I noticed you didn't walk out when everyone else did. I wanted to make sure you got back alright." He explained as he made his way over to her and crouched down to her level. "We should get you back to your cabin, okay?" He gently grabbed onto her elbow and started to lift her to her feet. At this point, she was too apathetic to put up a fight. She submitted and stood the rest of the way up on her own, using what little motivation she had left. They walked back to the hotel together in silence.


The air was heavy with sorrow the next morning. Nobody seemed to be acting like their usual selves. Some tried too hard to act normal, which just made things seem more out of the ordinary. (Y/N) had already made the decision to not leave her bed today. That plan was interrupted by a knock on the door. When she answered, she was greeted by Hajime again.

"Breakfast?" he asked. She wasn't sure why he decided to show up at her door this morning of all mornings, but she was a little thankful for a reason to leave the cabin, as much as she didn't want to.

"Give me a moment, I'll be right out." After a quick change of clothes, she headed out the door to walk to the restaurant with Hajime.

"You feeling any better today?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I guess so ." She replied emotionlessly. When they entered the restaurant, it was emptier than usual. She assumed she wasn't the only one who wasn't in the mood for breakfast this morning, given everything that happened yesterday.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Can you come here a sec?" a female voice called out to her from a table against the wall of the restaurant. It was Mahiru Koizumi.

"What is it?" (Y/N) asked.

"I have a favor to ask of you."


Mahiru looked down at the tray of food on the table. There was a single slice of toast and a glass of milk.

"Could you bring this to Nagito?"

"What? Why me? Why does he need his food brought to him? I don't—" before she could carry on, Mahiru explained in a hushed voice.

"Kazuichi and Nekomaru tied him up in the abandoned building. They thought he was a threat to everyone. But I figured someone needs to bring him food, or he'll starve to death."

"So why don't you do it then?" (Y/N) responded angrily.

"Because you two are close."

"Why would you think that? I know him as much as you do. He's your classmate too, y'know." (Y/N) argued.

Mahiru reached for the camera that was strapped over her shoulder. After pressing a button a few times, she showed the screen to (Y/N). It was a picture of Nagito and herself standing in the doorway of the abandoned building, his lips pressed to her forehead.

"You sure you guys aren't close?" she said smugly. (Y/N) was furious.

"Delete that now! Why were you watching us?!" she attempted to reach for the camera, but Mahiru was quick to pull it away.

"Bring him this food and I promise I'll delete it."

"Are you seriously blackmailing me right now?" (Y/N) groaned as she picked up the tray and headed for the abandoned building. She figured if anyone found out she was with Nagito that day, she might be associated with his murderous plans.

Damn you, Mahiru...

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