Chapter 19: Lesson

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Before Nagito could even fully sit down at his desk, he was already bombarded with questions about last night.

"So how did it go?!" Kazuichi whispered loudly, staring at him with wide eyes.

"You did show up, right? You bastard, I swear if you stood her up—" Fuyuhiko heatedly joined in. Nagito interrupted him before he could finish his threat.

"Yes, relax." he held his hands up defensively and smiled. "It was a good time."

"That's all you have to say about it? Tell us all the details!" Kazuichi insisted.

"We got dinner and exchanged numbers. There's not much more to tell you than that."

"She gave you her number?!"

"Don't act so surprised. Not everyone is as incompetent with women as you are." Fuyuhiko's words finally got Kazuichi to back off with the questions, which was a relief to Nagito. He didn't want to make a big deal out of his time spent with (Y/N), mostly because he knew it wouldn't last. His luck would make sure of that. The best thing that could happen right now would be if she just stopped talking to him all together. But that didn't stop Nagito from wishing the opposite would happen.

Right on cue, his thoughts were interrupted by (Y/N) walking into the classroom. She looked like she had been in a hurry; her face was slightly flushed. Half of her hair was tied up with a red ribbon, while the other half fell gently around her face. Her uniform jacket was wrapped around her waist and she had her usual violin case strapped across her back. Her eyes met with his own, and she flashed him a smile and a quick wave before taking her usual seat on the other side of the classroom.

"Hey, snap out of it!" Fuyuhiko said in a harsh whisper. "You stare at her any harder, she's going to be creeped out. It's a miracle you've made it this far without scaring her off."

"Have you guys planned a second date yet?" Kazuichi joined the whispering, still apparently not done asking questions.

"Date? Oh, no that wasn't a date." Nagito shook his head.

"Dumbass, just ask her out again. If you don't, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!" Fuyuhiko threatened. Nagito didn't protest. He figured now was the time to put his luck to the test. Surely, she would say no this time. There was only a finite amount of good luck in the world, and it would only be wasted on someone undeserving like himself.

After class was over, he nervously lingered outside the door, waiting for (Y/N) to exit. When she finally appeared, he almost didn't notice. He was so lost in his own conflicting thoughts that she probably could have slipped right past him, but instead, she stopped to talk.

"Hey, Nagito. Are you waiting for someone?" she asked him.

"I was waiting for you, actually." He tried his best to smile. It seemed to be convincing enough, because she smiled at him too. "There's something I want to ask you."

"Sure," she gave a little nod, gesturing for him to continue.

"Do you want to hang out again?" He braced himself for rejection. It's for your own good, (Y/N). Stay away from me.

"I'd love to! What do you want to do?" she responded cheerfully.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to say yes, so I didn't plan that far ahead," he laughed nervously.

"Of course I'm gonna say yes!" Her eyes sparkled as they met his gaze, which made his heart want to jump out of his chest. The feeling was brand new, but it also had a certain familiarity to it that he couldn't quite explain.

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