Chapter 16: Song

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"You want me to...what?" (Y/N) was in disbelief at Izuru's request. To  her, it didn't even seem possible, but she had already seen the things  that he was capable of and he wasn't the type to joke around either.

"It would be similar to how you enter the virtual world. Using Alter  Ego as a bridge, I think I can reroute the Neo World Program's  technology to be able to allow your psyche to enter Nagito's." he  explained.

"Is it...dangerous?" she said with concern in her voice.

"It has the same risks as entering the virtual world did, except this  time, you would be able to enter with all your memories of this world.  And there wouldn't be any risk of a virus taking over. So in that  regard, it is safer."

"I don't know, Izuru. Why do you think I'd be better than Alter Ego for this?"

"Because there's one category that Alter Ego falls short in: being human."

"So why me? Won't any human work for this?"

"Are you going to help me or not?" his tone was serious now. She could tell he was done with questions. He needed an answer.

"I...I'll do it. But I'm scared." she whispered.

"There is no need to be afraid. I will ensure your safety." his voice  was a bit gentler now, but it still felt emotionless. "and you'll have  some time to prepare. It will take a while to get the program ready."

"Maybe you should take a break or something. It sounds like you have a  lot of work ahead of you. And I could use a change of scenery too."  (Y/N) tried to smile, but it wasn't genuine. It was difficult to mask  the worry on her face.

"Nothing is stopping you from leaving." he spoke without looking in  her direction. Her jaw dropped at how easily he rejected her offer.

"I know that. Sorry, I just wanted—" before she could continue, Izuru stood up out of his seat abruptly, almost startling her.

"Let's go." He turned towards the door. (Y/N) quickly followed behind  him, trying to keep his pace. After walking in silence, she finally  spoke up as they approached the abandoned building.

"What are we doing?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Taking a break."

She was happy he decided to stop working, but it wasn't exactly what  she had in mind. Nevertheless, she was willing to see what he had  planned. He brought her to a room at the end of the hallway and flipped  on the lights. A strange wave of familiarity rushed through her as she  laid her eyes on the piano in the center of the room.

"Is this why we're here? You want me to play?" she asked nervously.

"No. I'm going to play." He took a seat at the bench and gestured for her to do the same.

"You can play piano?"

"I can play all instruments." He said matter-of-factly. Without  wasting anymore time, he began to play. It was a song that (Y/N) was  sure she had never heard before. It wasn't one of the classics, nor did  it sound like anything contemporary. The melody gave her a nostalgic  feeling, like she was remembering a past life full of joyful memories.  Izuru never missed a note, his tempo never slowed, and each press of the  key seemed carefully calculated. The dynamics transitioned smoothly,  and each lift of the pedal was perfectly timed. When the song finally  came to an end, (Y/N) was in awe.

"Izuru, that was so beautiful. Did you write that song?"

"No." He paused for a moment before turning and looking (Y/N) in the eyes. "You did."

She didn't know why, but tears suddenly filled her eyes. She was  overwhelmed with an emotion that she couldn't quite find a name for.  There was an emptiness in her chest that felt like a black hole trying  to consume her from the inside out. A memory was trying to bring itself  to the surface, but it was too distorted to comprehend. What was just a  few tears had now turned into full-fledged sobs as she mourned the loss  of all the beautiful memories that had once driven her to compose that  song. A song that she had completely forgotten until now.

"How much have I lost? What did I forget? You said you remember  everything, right? Then why aren't you telling me what happened?!" she  choked out her words between sobs, but there was anger in her voice.  Izuru said nothing, so she continued.

"You know, you aren't talented at everything. You're terrible at  being a friend. You have no emotions whatsoever. You're selfish, and  everything you do is just to entertain yourself. Is that why you brought  me here? To play a song you knew would upset me and then leave me with  no answers? You're just—"

She was interrupted by arms suddenly pulling her into an embrace. For  someone with such a cold demeanor, he gave off incredible warmth. Her  face was pressed against his chest, so she closed her eyes and continued  to let the tears fall.

"Hajime said this would make you feel better." Izuru said softly with his usual tone.

"But how does it make you feel?" she whispered. After a moment, he finally answered.



"Hey, Izuru." She sat down a cup of coffee next to the keyboard he was typing at.

"Hey. Thanks." He nodded in her direction before continuing what he was doing.

"I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday." She pulled up a chair  to the desk next to him and sat down. "I know it's not your fault you  are the way you are. And for the record, maybe you aren't so terrible at  being a friend."

"So you consider us friends then?"

"Yeah, well, I guess I don't know that much about you," she admitted  nervously. "But I'd like to know more. How about I ask you some  questions?"

"You're just now asking permission to do that?"

"S-Sorry, I won't bother you then." Her voice sounded disappointed.  He suddenly dropped what he was doing on the computer and turned his  chair towards her.

"Ask." he said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Uhm, okay. So what do you do for fun?"

"Fun?" he raised any eyebrow.

"Y'know, what's your favorite way to pass the time?" she couldn't believe she had to actually explain this to another person.

"Time passes the same no matter what I do." he said dryly.

"Do you enjoy anything?!" she started to get flustered with his answers.

"I enjoy this."


"Coffee with you." He took another drink. His answer caught her off guard. She immediately felt her face turn bright red.

"Oh, uhm...I enjoy it too." She avoided his eyes as she spoke and  looked down at her cup of coffee instead. He noticed this time she put  ice in it.

"Hajime was quite fond of you during your time together in the  virtual world. I am most likely experiencing his feelings toward you."  he explained.

Liar, Hajime's inner voice shouted at Izuru.

"Just one of the many side effects of our personalities merging." he  continued to speak, despite the now very prominent voice in his head  opposing him.

   Those are NOT my feelings. Those are your own.

"Izuru?" he was brought back to reality by the sound of (Y/N)'s voice. "You looked like you were thinking about something."

"It's nothing. I should get back to working now." he turned his chair  back towards the monitor. (Y/N) could have sworn he looked more flushed  than usual, but his hair covered too much of his face to really tell.

"Will you be ready to test the program tomorrow?" he asked her.


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