Chapter 5: Unbound

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Mahiru was dead. It had only been a few days since the last murder. This murder likely had something to do with the motive given by Monokuma, which was an arcade game called "Twilight Syndrome Murder Case".  (Y/N) found herself tagging along with Hajime during the investigation.

Mahiru... she thought, although blackmailing me was a bit much, your intentions were good. You didn't deserve this.

Seeing her lifeless body leaning against the beach house door made (Y/N) uneasy, but she forced herself to continue investigating. She wanted to be more of a help this time, and Hajime didn't seem to mind her accompanying him. Although she didn't know him well, he was the only other person who showed an interest in talking to her so far, aside from Nagito. After they had finished investigating the beach house, they met up with Chiaki Nanami, who suggested she and Hajime check out the motive game. Hajime had played through it once before, but apparently there was an alternate ending that he missed. It made sense that the Ultimate Gamer would be the one to find it.

When the three of them finally got to the center of the island where the game was located, none of them expected to see him there.

"Nagito!" (Y/N) called out. She immediately ran over and embraced him. In return, he pulled her tightly against his chest, lifting her slightly off the ground.

"Well hello there, (Y/N) ...Hajime, Chiaki. I'm glad you guys are doing well!" he smiled.

"N-Nagito?!" Hajime said in disbelief. "Why are you here?"

"Monomi let me out," he explained. He let go of (Y/N) but kept one arm wrapped around her waist. "She said it wouldn't be a fair trial if everyone didn't have the chance to investigate."

Right on cue, Monomi appeared at the sound of her name.

"Y-yes, it's true. I let him out. I just want everyone to be friends. Monokuma wants you all to fight with each other" She cried.

"Enough... just...go away already." Hajime spoke seriously. "You too, Nagito...hurry up and get lost."

"H-hajime—" (Y/N) tried to argue, but Nagito interrupted.

"Well, I've been a little lonely but...I guess I'll do that." His voice was gloomy, but there was still a hint of smile on his face. "I've already seen the true ending of that game, so there's really no reason for me to be here." He leaned down and kissed the top of (Y/N)'s head before he released her and made his way back to the first island. "We'll talk later, okay? I have to catch up on this investigation." he called back to her. She nodded in response.

"Care to explain what that was about?!" Hajime turned towards (Y/N).

"I don't have to explain anything to you. You won't listen to me anyways."

"If you and Nagito are close, did you know about his plan whole time?" Chiaki asked calmly.

"No...I had no idea." She answered honestly. "All I know is Nagito needs us. He needs our help and all you did was tell him to get lost." She glared at Hajime as she spoke.

"Yes, (Y/N), because he's insane. Did you forget that?"

"Oh wow, did you remember your talent as the Ultimate Psychiatrist, Hajime?" she said sarcastically. "Whatever is wrong, isolating him from the rest of us isn't going to help anything."

"She might have a point, Hajime" Chiaki agreed. "(Y/N), do you think Nagito is a threat to the rest of us?"

"If he's a threat to anyone, it's himself."


The class trial was over. Peko Pekoyama was the culprit. Watching her last moments with Fuyuhiko was heartbreaking. She died protecting him until her very last breath. He had tried to interfere with her execution and got injured in the process, so he was now under Monokuma's care, which everyone found discomforting. With Mahiru and Peko dead, and Fuyuhiko rushed off to who-knows-where for treatment, everyone shared a similar feeling. The only word to describe this feeling was despair.

Nagito and (Y/N) lingered behind the rest of the group on their way back to the hotel. It was the first time in what felt like a long time that they got a moment to be together alone without one of them being chained up. (Y/N) had so much she still wanted to ask him, but for now she decided to enjoy the silence. It almost felt normal again, or whatever the closest thing to normal was on this island.

When they finally got back to the hotel, Nagito walked (Y/N) to her cabin. They stood outside of the closed door for a moment, unsure of what to say or do. He finally broke the silence.

"Well, I guess this is good night." he sighed.

"I guess so." Her attempt to mask the disappointment in her voice was unsuccessful.

"Unless you don't want it to be..." he raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you still afraid to sleep alone?"

"I'm not afraid," she answered honestly.

"Are you afraid of me?" he leaned in closer to her, their faces were nearly touching. Instinctively, she wanted to move away, but she didn't.

"No." she said sternly. Everyone else feared Nagito. She wasn't going to be like the rest of them. He needed someone to be there for him. And truthfully, maybe she needed someone to be there for her too.

"Okay..." he paused for a moment. "Well, goodnight then!"

"Nagito, wait." She commanded.

"What is it, (Y/N)?"

"Stay with me tonight."

"I thought you'd never ask." his grin was smug. He knew exactly what he was doing, but (Y/N) didn't care. She wanted to be with him. After everything that has happened, all she wanted to do was turn off her brain and listen to her heart for a while.

On the Beach at Night [Nagito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now