Chapter 27: Picture

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>>>Author's Note: Part of this chapter was inspired by the image above. Check out the artist's Tumblr here:  <<<

After (Y/N) returned with fresh laundry, she helped Nagito get  dressed and returned him to his bed. She was sitting behind him, helping  him towel dry his hair when they heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in!" she yelled out, towel still in hand. Izuru walked in, carrying a small orange bottle and a glass of water.

"Here.  Please take this." He walked towards Nagito and handed him a small  white pill. Nagito didn't argue and swallowed it down in one gulp of  water. "How are you feeling?"

"It hurts, if I'm being honest. But  you don't need to worry about me." He said with a weak smile. He closed  his eyes again, leaning back into (Y/N) and letting her continue drying  him off.

"This medicine will help. There may be side effects, so let me know right away if you experience any."

"Thank  you, Hajime." He nodded. It sounded strange to (Y/N) to hear him call  Izuru by that name. For some reason, he always seemed so different than  the Hajime she remembered. But maybe he wasn't so different anymore. Out  of the corner of her eye, she spotted the outline of Chiaki's hairclip  in her hair.

"H-Hajime." she said out loud without meaning to. It  would be hard to get used to, but the name rolled off her tongue with a  certain familiarity.

"Yes?" He looked at her. His golden-green eye  peeked out at her behind a stray lock of hair that fell in front of his  face. His expression was soft, but attentive as he waited for her to  answer.

"Uhh, never mind...sorry." She let her voice trail off.  Her face was slightly flushed with embarassment. He seemed to have  noticed, because his own face looked a little red too.

"Do you need anything? If not, I'm going to go to the headquarter building and work on some things for a while."

"Go ahead. I'll come get you if we need help." She smiled at him reassuringly.

"Alright. I'll be back later." he said before taking his leave.

"I  think you're all dry now." (Y/N) said to Nagito, setting the towel  aside. She was still seated behind him, her legs on either side. He  seemed content with their current position, so she decided to wrap her  arms gently around his shoulders and hold him close to her for a while.


They  spent most of their afternoon lazing around, not speaking too much. The  pain medicine kicked in and Nagito was tired so he napped off and on  while (Y/N) tried her best to stay occupied. Although, she was guilty of  nodding off a few times herself. Eventually, Hajime returned to the  hospital as promised.

"Everything okay?" He asked from the doorway.

"Yep." She didn't have much else to say.

"I was going to start dinner now. Are you hungry?"

"A little. Do you need any help?" She offered.

"It wouldn't hurt."

"Nagito, is it okay if I go help make dinner for a bit?" Her voice was purposefully gentle. "I won't be gone long."

"Okay."  He mumbled sleepily. He leaned his head towards her, very slightly, but  she understood the meaning of the gesture. She kissed him very quickly,  not wanting to make Hajime uncomfortable.

"I'll be back." she said one more time before leaving.

Once they got to the kitchen, Hajime immediately went to work, pulling out all the necessary ingredients to cook with.

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