Chapter 30: Bond

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After receiving the news of the Future Foundation killing game, everyone made a unanimous decision to do everything they can to put an end to it. So, after a night of rest, class 77-B was planning on setting sail towards the Future Foundation's headquarters to rescue them from Monokuma. Even though everyone agreed it was their duty to help, the fear and anxiety in the air was almost tangible. Nobody knew what the state of the current world was going to be like, but from what they've been told, it was full of chaos and despair.

After helping clean up from the party, (Y/N) and Nagito retired to their cottage for the night. They both kept to their own thoughts as they silently got ready for bed. Since they were leaving so early in the morning, trying to sleep was the best thing they could do to prepare.

"Hey, (Y/N) ...maybe you should stay here tomorrow." Nagito said quietly, almost whispering. They were lying in bed together now, both staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep.

"Why would I do that?" she turned towards him and raised an eyebrow, trying her best to read his expression.

"Well, it could be dangerous, y'know. And we haven't seen what the world is like outside this island yet, and-"

"I'm going. If the rest of you are going, I'm going too." Her mind was already made up.

"Okay." He didn't argue anymore. Instead, his face looked conflicted, like he was battling with his own thoughts now. It made (Y/N) almost wish he would have kept arguing with her, just so she could at least try to understand his thoughts.

"If you think it's so dangerous, then why don't you stay behind with me?"

"Because my luck might come in handy." he tried to smile at her, but she saw the insincerity behind it.

"Or is it because you still don't care if you live or die, as long as you become a 'stepping stone' for hope? Or whatever it is you always said before..."

"Quite the opposite actually." He let out a worried laugh. "It's because I care if you live or die."

"Nagito..." Before she could formulate her thoughts into anything coherent, he kept talking.

"I know with my luck, I don't have to worry about me dying out there. But what if something happens to you?"

"What if something happens to any of us? It's a risk we all have to take. I can't just stay behind while everyone else risks their lives!"

"You're right, (Y/N), I know that...but that doesn't change how I feel."

"I'm afraid too... but-"

"No, you don't understand. I've already lost everyone close to me." he paused for a moment. "When I was in elementary school, both of my parents died in a plane crash. They died right in front of me. I was the only one who survived."

Nagito...I didn't know..." She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, but she tried her best to hold it in for his sake.

"And then when I finally returned to school after all that, I found out my best friend had moved away and transferred to a different school because his dad found a new job. And that same week, my dog got hit by a car and died."

"That really all happened?" her voice was heavy with disbelief. It pained her to imagine going through so much misfortune at such a young age.

"Yes. Some terrible luck, isn't it?" he laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes. "I made the decision to never get close to anyone ever again after that. Until I met you, of course. I've been so selfish, letting myself fall in love with you."

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