Chapter 31: Rescue

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The journey to the Future Foundation headquarters seemed endless when there was no sign of land visible through the ash-filled sky. When (Y/N) could finally make out a silhouette of what looked like a building, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. The longer the boat ride lasted, the more she felt sick to her stomach. She wasn't prone to seasickness, so she knew the cause was something else. Anxiety? Fear? Probably both. The thought of another killing game taking place was enough to make anyone feel nauseous.

Hajime had been in contact with Byakuya, who happened to be away from the headquarters when the Foundation members were taken hostage. Byakuya gathered up as many men as he could to help overtake the building, but he knew it was possible that they'd need more than that. So he contacted the Remnants of Despair, as much as he didn't want to. He still wasn't sure if they could be trusted, although Makoto insisted they could be. He figured if anyone decided to revert back to their brainwashed state of despair, they could be handled easily by the men he had brought with him. Which he insisted he would not hesitate to "take care" of anyone who went against their mission.

"Everyone needs to pair up. Groups of more than two people might draw attention. Try to stay undetected, but if anyone sees you, prepare to run. Avoid fighting if possible and leave that to Byakuya's soldiers." Hajime instructed the group before they exited the boat.

"What do we do once we get inside?" (Y/N) asked.

"We're looking for Ryota Mitarai, the Ultimate Animator. The real one." his eyes focused on Twogami, who's most recent impersonation was supposed to be of Ryota. "He should look similar to that. He's currently on his way to the broadcasting room on top of the building according to what I've been told. He's going to broadcast a "hope video" he created that will brainwash everyone into replacing all hope with despair."

"You can't have hope without despair. Without despair, that hope is meaningless." Nagito spoke up, unsurprisingly passionate about the subject. The other classmates murmured in agreement.

"Fighting brainwashing with brainwashing isn't the answer. We have to stop him before the video starts broadcasting." Without anymore hesitation, the classmates paired off and went off in different directions.

"Do you want to go this way?" A soft voice asked (Y/N) close to her ear. She didn't even notice at first that a set of fingers had weaved their way between hers.

"I'll let you lead the way. Your luck can probably find us a way inside, right?" She teased.

"Of course." Nagito said confidently with a grin on his face. (Y/N) squeezed onto his hand a little tighter as he lead her in a seemingly-random direction. They tried their best to keep their footsteps quiet, but the ground became rockier as they walked away from the shore. The rocks kept growing in size and testing her balance with every step.

"Are you sure this was the way to go?" She spoke between muffled grunts. It felt like she could twist an ankle at any moment. Her breathing became heavier and she realized that they were walking up an incline now.

"Nope. I never claimed to be sure of anything." Nagito smiled at her and gripped her hand tighter. When they finally reached what seemed to be the peak of the uneven hill they were climbing, they both crouched down to take in their surroundings. Below them, they could see a group of enemy soldiers that seemed to be on a mission to chase someone.

"We're too high up right now, they'll spot us any second now. I think we need to keep moving." she whispered frantically.

"You're right. Let's jus--" before he could finish his sentence, Nagito lost his footing on a rock and sent it flying backwards down the rocky slope. (Y/N) cursed under her breath as she watched the small rock bumped into a bigger rock, which then hit an even bigger rock. In no time at all, there was an entire rock slide heading down towards the group of unsuspecting soldiers below. Before they could even react, they were buried underneath the rubble.

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